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Joerg van de Loo (ANF)

Text editor: BareED supports Thai language
By the close collaboration with Dr. Lyndon Hill, author of the Linux and Windows text editor Sontana, BareED now also supports Thai text files.

In addition, by implementing the relevant parts of the WTT standard, which is endorsed by the Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI), BareED will detect invalid character sequences upon loading TIS-620 encoded text files and while entering characters. The input check can be adjusted by the user to his own taste in three levels, from "Pass Through" over "Basic Check" to "Strict".

Before one can start using BareED as a TIS-620 supporting text editor, the corresponding fonts and keymap are required from Lyndon Hill's website.

Please note, though, that BareED's author, Joerg van de Loo, doesn't speak Thai himself. Therefore he suggests to refer to Lyndon Hill's website or contact him directly in case of questions about using a TIS-620 compatible Amiga environment, including using e-mail. (snx)

[News message: 22. Oct. 2006, 17:34] [Comments: 0]
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