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Markus Bartolich (E-Mail)

Tipps & Tricks: CD-ROM with Workbench 1.3 reader Markus Bartolich has sent us a brief tutorial how to use a CD-ROM drive with AmigaOS 1.3:

"It is possible to mount a CD-ROM withr Workbench 1.3 by using the BabelCDFS. After archive extraction the both files "BABELCDROMFS" and "BabelCDROMCtrl" must be copied to the directory "L:". The mountList in directory "Devs:" has to be expanded by adding the following lines:
* CD-ROM mounten *

CD0:    Handler = L:BABELCDROMFS
             Startup = gvpscsi.device/5 (Device-Name und Unit bitte anpassen!)
             StackSize = 4000
             Priority = 10
             GlobVec = -1

Afterwards the line "mount CD0:" should be added to the file "StartupII", reboot... that's it! I run that method successfully with a CD-ROM under Workbench 1.3 on my A2000 with a GVP-SCSI controller." (cg) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 23. Aug. 2006, 15:50] [Comments: 0]
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