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Aminet-Uploads until 20.08.2006
Aminet-Uploads since our last report:
FussballBundesliga.lha       biz/misc     10K  GEN  TurboCalc Spreadsheet Football (german)
wookiechat.lha               comm/irc    723K  VAR  IRC Client (Internet Relay Chat)
epistula_install.lha         comm/net    899K  OS4  Epistula Instant Messenger
conv_ara_html-aos4.lha       comm/www     32K  OS4  HTML arabic character entities converter
gts-free.lha                 demo/aga    1.4M  OS3  Free Entrance - Demo by Giants in 1996
gts-bd2.lha                  demo/mag    391K  OS3  Braindamage Issue #2 - Chipmag by Giants
gts-bd3.lha                  demo/mag    785K  OS3  Braindamage Issue #3 - Chipmag by Giants
getopt_long.lha              dev/c        26K  VAR  GNU conform ReadArgs wrapper
glib-morphos.lha             dev/c       4.8M  MOS  Experimental shared runtime library
libintl-morphos.lha          dev/c       254K  MOS  intl.library for MorphOS
distcc-bin.lha               dev/gcc     403K  OS4  distcc distributed C/C++ compiler
libxml2-morphos.lha          dev/lib     6.5M  MOS  XML parser and toolkit
littlecms_dev.lha            dev/misc    192K  MOS  Little colormanagement library
PointerToC.lha               dev/misc      2K  OS3  Convert pointer file to C source
simplecat.lha                dev/misc    143K  VAR  Powerful CatComp replacement
MCC_BetterString-11.8.lha    dev/mui     108K  VAR  BetterString custom class for MUI
MCC_TextEditor-15.18.lha     dev/mui     364K  VAR  Texteditor custom class for MUI
PC-Task_Guide.lha            docs/help    16K  GEN  A guide for PC Task 4.4 owners
highmoon-1.2.3-morphos.lha   game/2play  570K  MOS  Artillery clone in space
bitefusion-1.0.0-mos.lha     game/actio  459K  MOS  A snake game
blobwars-1.05_mos.lha        game/actio  7.7M  MOS  Nice platform game with over 25 missions
ceferino-0.95_mos.lha        game/actio  3.6M  MOS  A pang clone.
freedroid-1.0.2_mos.lha      game/actio  4.6M  MOS  Remake of the classic Paradroid
mog-v0.62_mos.lha            game/actio  8.5M  MOS  Remake of "Maze of Galious" (JumpnRun)
pachi-1.0_mos.lha            game/actio  3.0M  MOS  Platform game inspired by Manic Miner
ri-li-1.2.0-morphos.lha      game/actio   18M  MOS  A snake game
rollercoaster2000_mos.lha    game/actio  277K  MOS  Simulates a Rollercoaster
supertransball2-1.4_mos.lha  game/actio  423K  MOS  Thrust clone
supertux-0.1.3-morphos.lha   game/actio  8.0M  MOS  Super Mario clone
tomatoes-1.55_mos.lha        game/actio  9.0M  MOS  Destroy as much tomatoes as possible
KnightsDemo.tgz              game/demo    14M  MOS  Knights & Merchants (Demo)
UFO_EU_Full.lha              game/misc   324K  OS3  UFO Enemy Unclothed Full Game
RoadFighter_1.0_mos.lha      game/race   5.0M  MOS  Car racing
alienblaster-1.1.0_mos.lha   game/shoot  7.2M  MOS  Shoot-em-up-game for 1 or 2 players
cdogs_aos4.lha               game/shoot  787K  OS4  A top down shoot 'em up
dd2-0.2.1_mos.lha            game/shoot  325K  MOS  Dodgin' Diamond II - small shoot-em-up
fly-0.3.3_mos.lha            game/shoot  334K  MOS  Simple shooter
formido-1.0_mos.lha          game/shoot  9.2M  MOS  Simple shooter
kobodeluxe-0.4pre10.lha      game/shoot  1.1M  MOS  Shoot em up
oilwar-1.2.1-morphos.lha     game/shoot  569K  MOS  Really *simple* mouse-shooter
viruskiller-0.9_mos.lha      game/shoot  2.7M  MOS  Nice shoot-em-up              game/text   673K  ARO  Text adventure Adv770
abombniball-0.2b_mos.lha     game/think  711K  MOS  Defuse bombs before they explode
blockattack-1.1.0_mos.lha    game/think  4.2M  MOS  A clone of Tetris Attack
blockrage-0.2.1-morphos.lha  game/think  186K  MOS  Adjust falling blocks
concentration-1.2-mos.lha    game/think  1.0M  MOS  Nice version of Memory.
fillets-0.7.0_mos.lha        game/think  950K  MOS  Guide two fishes to the exit
Friction_AOS4.lha            game/think  390K  OS4  Puzzle Game - Alpha Rel., still enjoyabl
game_aos4.lha                game/think  2.0M  OS4  A funny and beatiful Tetris Attack clone
gemz-0.97.0-morphos.lha      game/think  914K  MOS  Bejeweled clone
hangman-0.9.2_mos.lha        game/think  2.4M  MOS  Hangman version - wild west style
lmarbles-1.0.7_mos.lha       game/think  1.1M  MOS  Atomix clone
mirrormagic-2.0.2_mos.lha    game/think  1.8M  MOS  Use mirrors to guide laser beam
mures-0.5-morphos.lha        game/think  821K  MOS  Clone of Sega's "Chu Chu Rocket"
pipepanic-0.1.3-morphos.lha  game/think  264K  MOS  A pipe connecting game
q-0.1_mos.lha                game/think  719K  MOS  Sokoban/Atomix clone
righteous-0.6-morphos.lha    game/think  294K  MOS  Tetris alike game
scalar-1.02-morphos.lha      game/think  2.6M  MOS  Puzzle game
scramble-0.9.5_mos.lha       game/think  1.2M  MOS  Find as many many words with given lette
tileworld-1.3.0-morphos.lha  game/think  1.2M  MOS  Collect chips to reach the exit
torrent-0.8.2_mos.lha        game/think  500K  MOS  Remove neighbouring tiles with same colo
trimines-1.3.0-morphos.lha   game/think  126K  MOS  Mine sweeper game w/ triangular fields
xlogical-1.0_mos.lha         game/think  3.1M  MOS  Log!cal clone
mmkeyboard.lha               hard/drivr  564K  VAR  Use entire Multimedia Keyboard on Amiga          misc/math   151K  ARO  Computer Algebra System Mathomatic           misc/math   189K  ARO  Computer Algebra System Mathomatic
poet-plus.lha                misc/misc    76K  VAR  Generates random poetry
AmySequencer.lha             mus/edit    248K  OS3  MIDI sequencer for the AMIGA
playOGG.lha                  mus/play    1.0M  OS3  multi format sound player.
PvD_PNGs_No4.lha             pix/picon   5.7M  GEN  1111 nice PNG Icons, Vol.4
PvD_PNGs_No4_64x64.lha       pix/picon   3.9M  GEN  261 nice PNG Icons, Vol.4, sizes +64
ascii2jascii.lha             text/misc    67K  VAR  Convert ASCII to Japanese ASCII
AssignPrefs_OS4.lha          util/boot    67K  OS4  AssignPrefs - Simplifies assigning.
IconBeFast.lha               util/boot    34K  OS3  Patch for faster icons & color mapping
r.lha                        util/cli    162K  VAR  Just in time GUIs for nearly any DOS cmd
DM_con_LL.lha                util/dir      9K  GEN  DiskMaster config and associated scripts
littlecms_user.lha           util/libs   145K  MOS  Little colormanagement library
Aminet-Readme-Creator.lha    util/misc    41K  OS3  Generates Aminet upload .readme file
froggui.lha                  util/misc   164K  OS3  GUI for FroggerNG
hunpack-aos4.lha             util/pack    38K  OS4  .HPA files unarchiver
UnCPS-AGA.lha                util/pack    11K  OS3  Tools to UNPACK/PACK/VIEW CPS/CMP/VCN/VM
(cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 21. Aug. 2006, 00:50] [Comments: 0]
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