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31.Jul.2006 Uploads until 30.07.2006
These are the most recent uploads at since our last message:
dupfinder.lha      uti/fil    8kb  Finds even more duplicate files on your 
autodocviewer.lha  dev/uti  300kb  Autodoc viewer for OS4
vspcplay.lha       aud/pla  338kb  VSPCPlay a Super Nintendo Music Player/T
z802tzx.lha        emu/uti  118kb  Spectrum Z80 Snapshot to TZX Tape Conver
zxscredit.lha      emu/uti  213kb  ZXscredit - a ZX Spectrum image (SCREEN$
zxscrview.lha      emu/uti  159kb  ZX Screen Viewer
texinfo-bin.lha    dev/mis  496kb  GNU documentation system
texinfo-src.lha    dev/mis    2Mb  GNU documentation system (sources)
simcoupe.lha       emu/com    1Mb  SAM Coupé Emulator
termcap.lha        dev/lib  489kb  GNU termcap library
bochs-src.lha      emu/com    4Mb  x86 PC amulator, Quick'n'dirty WIP port 
bochs.lha          emu/com    3Mb  x86 PC amulator, Quick'n'dirty WIP port
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 31. Jul. 2006, 00:43] [Comments: 0]
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