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Ulli Reinders (ANF)

AmiTown: Website all around Amiga Forever and WinUAE
Under the title link, Ulli Reinders has set up a website all around Amiga Forever and consequently WinUAE under the name of "Amitown."

There, he shortly introduces the emulator package Amiga Forever as such, shows screenshots of his installed AmigaOS versions 1.3, 2.1, 3.1, 3.5 and 3.9, gives away which applications are executable under AmigaOS 3.1 and higher, offers background pictures as well as some programs for download and publishes tips and tricks to refer to.

The web presence Amitown was designed in such a way that it can be displayed virtually error-free with a web browser like AWeb II as well. Purpose of this presence is to point out the possibilities of the Amiga emulator WinUAE in matters of layout and execution, and also to submit suggestions where appropriate. (snx) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 02. Jul. 2006, 12:57] [Comments: 0]
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