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26.Jun.2006 Uploads until 25.06.2006
Uploads on since our last report:
delay.lha              uti/she    7kb  Wait any number of ticks (1/50th sec.)
wifisignal.lha         dri/uti   24kb  Wifi Signal Monitor for Prism2 cards.
gluae-doc.lha          emu/uti  593kb  Integrates UAE into AmigaOS 4 (documenta
gluae-main.lha         emu/uti   11kb  Integrates UAE into AmigaOS 4 (main)
dosdev.lzx             dev/exa  134kb  DOS device driver example code (simple "
colem.lha              emu/gam  594kb  Colem ColecoVision Emulator              net/bro    9Mb  Amaya webeditor for AmigaOS4 / X11 (Cygn
uniquedate.lha         uti/mis    8kb  Generates unique (hi-res) numeric date/t
uniquename.lha         uti/mis    8kb  Generates unique (random) strings
ramdev.lha             dev/exa   22kb  simple 4 unit ram device (example source
perl_reaction.tar.bz2  dev/lib  958kb  Perl_Reaction - make perl scripts with G
misscmd.lzx            gam/act   73kb  Missile Command clone (WIP release)
widespectrum.lha       aud/mis   51kb  AmigaAmp Wide Spectum Meter
(cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 26. Jun. 2006, 00:48] [Comments: 0]
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