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Aminet-Uploads until 18.06.2006
Aminet-Uploads since our last report:
wookiechat.lha      comm/irc    593K  VAR  IRC Client (Internet Relay Chat)
MakeHTMLMap.lha     comm/www    1.3M  OS3  The Gallery/Onlineshop Creator for Amiga
MBPrefs.lha         dev/basic    25K  OS3  External Prefs Editor for MaxonBasic3
sdlBasic.lha        dev/basic   397K  MOS  Simple sdlBasic interpreter for MorphOS
Annotate.lha        dev/cross    50K  OS3  Comments/reformats DASMX 2650 cross-dis
lc2-morphos.lha     dev/misc     14K  MOS  C/C++ source line counter (ixemul)
libcddb.lha         dev/misc    223K  OS4  a C library to access data on CDDB
LHA_HD_Install.lha  disk/misc    85K  GEN  HardDisk install system for 1.x 2.x 3.x+
GoK.lha             game/2play   37K  OS3  Move on more tiles than your opponent!
Aye_Q.lha           game/wb      43K  OS3  My version of a peg game...
Create_a_Q.lha      game/wb      47K  OS3  Create and play your own 'Q' games! (Upd
GoFigure.lha        game/wb      40K  OS3  Create some closed figures!
Hexa_Q.lha          game/wb      43K  OS3  Surprise!! A peg game... updated again!
Hexit.lha           game/wb      43K  OS3  Try to match an hexagonal shaped pattern
In_And_Out.lha      game/wb      47K  OS3  Try to find the exit!
Kaleido.lha         game/wb      35K  OS3  Try to match the kaleidoscopic patterns!
Knight.lha          game/wb      33K  OS3  Move a Knight on a chess board
mijfif.lha          gfx/show     58K  VAR  JFIF,BMP,ILBM,ZX.SCR viewer
AmiArcadia.lha      misc/emu     81K  OS3  Emerson Arcadia 2001 emulator
gluae-doc.lha       misc/emu    593K  GEN  Integrates UAE with AmigaOS 4 (docs)
gluae-main.lha      misc/emu     11K  GEN  Integrates UAE with AmigaOS 4 (main)
A1000stereo.lha     mods/misc     6K  OS3  KickTune played when A1000 is booted
man2txt-1_00b.lha   text/misc    45K  OS3  UNIX manual page to plain text converter
sdiREKOPrefs.lha    util/dtype   15K  GEN  Preferences GUI for sdiREKO DataTypes
ExtraLib.lha        util/libs   354K  OS3  Dynamic buffer system + simple strings
envtime.lha         util/misc     9K  OS3  OS4: Set a time env var for use in WB ti
StartBar-ITA.lha    util/misc   101K  OS3  Italian version of StartBar
TopCPU.lha          util/moni    38K  MOS  small CPU monitor (MUI) with freeze opti
scriptlauncher.lha  util/wb      36K  OS4  Configurable button-based program launch
(cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 19. Jun. 2006, 00:52] [Comments: 0]
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