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ACK: Status update for various PPC products
In an IRC chat, Adam Kowalczyk from ACK has commented once more on various announced hardware projects. He regrets the delays, but estimates the harm done thereby as apparently not particularly tragic. At the urging of the users, one has now decided, at least, to release some pictures, these should be visible on Tuesday on

CPU Modules

The CPU modules work, but in the AmigaOne, they do not achieve the expected performance increase. Unlike the Powervixxen TL (see below), the 60x protocol is being used in the Eyetech computers for the communication between motherboard and CPU module, apparently, there are still problems here.

Powervixxen LT

Prototypes of this A1200 expansion already exist. Rather accidentally, in the process, it has crystallized that the PV LT can be operated with just a Mediator PCI busboard (so without A1200) as well. The adaptation of AmigaOS 4 to the hardware was already started in "a simulated environment," "a good deal of work" has already been invested in the adaptation, reportedly.
  • MPC 5200 @ 400-466MHz
  • 512 MB Ram on-board
  • On-board graphics: Radeon Mobility
  • ATA/IDE interface
  • 100 Mbit ethernet
  • USB 1.1
  • AC97 audio codec (with automatic integration of the Amiga sound chip's sound output)
  • Works in original A1200 desktop case
As price for a Powervixxen LT including AmigaOS 4, 375 USD (without taxes) is being targeted. A "pre-production" model should be introduced in the British event AmiRevival (July 29). Unlike the well-known Phase5 accelerator cards, the Powervixxen LT cannot be deactivated.

Powervixxen TL

"Mostly working" prototypes of this stand-alone motherboard exist. The final specifications look like the following:
  • ATX form factor
  • Northbridge: Tundra TSI109
  • CPU slot compatible to AmigaOne/MicroA1 (supports 133/167/200 Mhz FSB)
  • 2 DDR2 DIMM slots, up to 2 GB RAM
  • 2 x Gigabit-Ethernet on-board
  • 1 x PCIe Graphics (1x)
  • 1 x PCI 66 Mhz
  • 4 x PCI 33/66 Mhz
  • BIOS: UBoot

The board should be available without CPU as well (as upgrade option for AmigaOne owners), for an estimated price of 550-600 USD. The price including CPU will rest with $1000-1200, depending on desired processor.

Carrier Board for Powervixxen LT

This carrier board should allow for a stand-alone operation of the Powervixxen LT, which is normally powered by the A1200 motherboard. The licensing negotiations with Amiga Inc. are not concluded here yet, which is why the other projects are being worked on for the time being. In the hitherto negotiations, Amiga Inc. has reportedly proven to be "very responsive" and has not "presented any stumbling blocks" to Kowalczyk so far. (cg) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 11. Jun. 2006, 03:53] [Comments: 0]
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