Edgar Schwan (ANF)
AmigaOS 4: preliminary version of Amaya 8.8.4 for X-Window
A preliminary version of the web editor Amaya by Edgar Schwan was published in the OS4 depot. The programme is able to show CSS based pages correctly. Frames and Javascript are however not supported.
Amaya needs the X11 Window package "Cygnix" (amiga-news.de reported) to run, which is to be foung in the OS4 depot as well. You will find help for concerning the installation as well as further information in the readmefile.
The programme is already running relatively stable, the connection to the internet is however not yet working. As Amaya is primarily an editor, the Amaya porting as an GUI based web editor should nevertheless be interesting.
Download: amaya.zip (9 MB)
(snx) (Translation: iw)
[News message: 30. May. 2006, 19:49] [Comments: 0]
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