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DVD: "Digital Memories" - remembering the C64 scene
Press release:  What started with pirate copies during the home computer pioneer time became the first digital youth culture. To achieve the fame of the scene for the fastest "crack" of a computer game, freaks set home made intros in front of the games before they released them to the school yards and mailboxes of the 80s.

Those digital cards became an art form on their own; to be able to master it programming knowledge and audio-visual talent was required. The non-professional programmers and other crackers bettered each other in international competition with adventurous animations and unheard sounds.

Demos are music videos without dancers, without a backdrop and without a camera: the clips run in real-time, often they bring CPU and graphic chips to their technological limits. The most talented programmers and freaks made the impossible possible on the cult computer Commodore 64.

'Digital Memories' is a selection of the best demos for the C64, an exciting retro trip through the colourful, virtual world of FX, bleeps and pixel - multimedia of the first generation.

Content of the DVD:
  • 16 C64 demos
  • Slideshow with 140 scene graphics
  • 15 original SID sounds
  • Eastergeggs
  • Bonus: 4 C64 games: Turrican 3, It's Magic, Metal Warrior 4, Crush

ISBN: 3-9810494-7-0
Price: 9,95 Euro (cg) (Translation: iw)

[News message: 30. May. 2006, 15:07] [Comments: 0]
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