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26.May.2006 (Webseite)

Troika NG: Another mainboard announced
In a status report which is accessable under the title link Troika NG announced to buy a mainboard design. This would be a more powerful system than the own development called Amy'05.

With the help of the planned cooperation Troika NG can offer such a system for AmigaOS 4 faster and cheaper. Currently still it is not possible to show some pictures of the whole mainboard but of some details. These show the PowerPC-processor (G4/7448) with Tsi-109-Northbridge (preview 1) as well as the audio-ports (preview 2).

Concerning the own development of a low-end-system version 1.4 almost was reached. Therefore some more information will be announced for the next status report. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 26. May. 2006, 07:46] [Comments: 0]
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