Burning software: Frying Pan 0.4c update 1
Another minor update of the CD- and DVD-burning program Frying Pan has been released by Tomasz Wiszkowski. It does mainly fix some bugs of the previous 0.4c release.
- File dates are preserved
- A tiny menu added - now you can set your FP mui settings
- In_WAV module added (please note: there is no compression support. assumed file format is: 44kHz, stereo, 16b/ch, little endian)
- Minor fixes done to the GUI
- Minor fixes done to the ISO builder
- I've done my best to make in_MP3 handle regular files a bit better, but libmad has troubles...
Download: FryingPan.lha (1,2 MB) (snx)
[News message: 09. May. 2006, 18:00] [Comments: 0]
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