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02.May.2006 uploads until 01.05.2006
Here are the uploads at which have added since the last announcement:
scramble.lha       gam/puz    1Mb  Scramble
lvmsgout.lha       net/ema   21kb  LeaveOut YAM message link on Workbench
bibvision.lha      uti/tex  162kb  Bible text viewer for OS4 / OS3.5 / Warp
rockbeat.lha       aud/tra    1Mb  Create drumming tracks and export them a
pong.lha           gam/act   33kb  Pong the desktop game for AmigaOS40
trimines.lha       gam/boa  265kb  A mine sweeper game
daimonin.lha       gam/rol   15Mb  An online MMORPG
wookiechat.lha     net/cha  580kb  IRC Client (Internet Relay Chat)          gam/act    1Mb  Freespace - Ryleh Campaign
biloba.lha         gam/boa    2Mb  Biloba - A strategy board game for 2 to 
cas_tools.lha      emu/uti  104kb  MSX Cas (tapefile) converters
img2dsk.lha        emu/uti   24kb  IMG to DSK MSX disk image converter
kens_images.lha    gra/ico  272kb  Ibrowse & Aweb Toolbars in the "Ken's Ic
miniampdeluxe.lha  aud/mis  614kb  Deluxe Version of MiniAmp for AMPlifier
scout.lha          uti/mis    1Mb  System monitor (MUI & TCP/IP stack optio
(cg) (Translation: iw)

[News message: 02. May. 2006, 02:17] [Comments: 0]
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