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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

APC&TCP turning 14 years old
Andreas Magerl writes: APC&TCP is turning 14 years old. To celebrate this, we have decided to push down the prices of many APC&TCP products in the online shop permanently.

APC&TCP is more active than ever. CygnusEd 5 is right before its release and also the release of MED Soundstudio 2 is coming closer and closer.

But work is also going on for DigiBoosterPro and furthermore we do check if there is a possibility to release a reprint of the English version of the Amiga-Guru-Book.

Besides that, development is going on for a lot of other products which will be released this year.

The APC&TCP computer club, from which the distribution service originates, was founded some time before already. If someone does still know the exact date, please get in contact with us. (snx)

[News message: 01. May. 2006, 14:35] [Comments: 0]
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