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Costel "Cyborg" Mincea (E-Mail)

AmigaOne: Centralized order for onboard soundchips
The AC97 soundchip (Sigmatel STAC9752T) installed on the first few batches of AmigaOne motherboards has been removed in later production runs as it seemed that it wouldn't work anyway due to a hardware bug.

But Davy Wentzler and Stephen Brookes proved later on that the problem could be solved in software and released a working audio driver.

Until now, people that wanted to fit the missing chip onto their AmigaOne motherboard were facing the problem that said chip didn't seem to be available anymore. Costel 'Cyborg' Mincea now found a dealer that still has the Sigmatel STAC9752T in stock.

The final price for one single Sigmatel STAC9752T chip depends on the volume of the order, this is why Mincea now asks all interested users to contact him until 17.April via e-mail and tell him the quantity they would be interested in. Mincea stresses the fact that this email is not a real order, he only needs to gauge the actual demand to to get a quotation from the dealer.

On April 18th, Mincea will ask the dealer for the price of an order with the ascertained quantities, end users will then be able to order chips from him.

Warning: The AC97 soundchip is not socketed, it needs to be soldered to the AmigaOne motherboard by the end user. You should be very familiar with that kind of soldering jobs, otherwise you should better ask somebody who is. (cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 10. Apr. 2006, 17:51] [Comments: 0]
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