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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

APC&TCP takes distribution of CygnusEd
APC&TCP is proud to announce that it has taken the distribution of the well known text editor CygnusEd. CygnusEd will be able to run on the classic Amiga and AmigaOS 4. A version supporting MorphOS is planned. In only a few weeks the program will be available. The support homepage for CygnusED will be online in a few days aswell. About CygnusEd Professional Release 5 The maybe most famous text editor for developers was developed by Bruce Dawson, Colin Fox & Steve LaRocque (CygnusSoft Software) 20 years ago and was originally published by themselves. Already at that time CygnusEd has been known for its speed and solidness. CygnusEd has been developed even further in the following years and was one of the first programs with an ARexx interface and the first Amiga text editor with Undo/Redo functions. Many Amiga developers grew up with CygnusEd and a lot of software for the Amiga was developed using CygnusEd. The last version 4 of CygnusEd was published in 1997 and was a fully reworked version adapted to AmigaOS 3.1. The new version 5 of CygnusEd has been enriched with new functions and it is even faster and more solid. The helping tool "Ed" has been rewritten completely from scratch and is supplied with CygnusEd including the complete sources. Many old restrictions and flaws of CygnusEd have been eliminated. Version 5 is also the first version ported completely with all helping tools to the PowerPC processors and one of the first completely adapted commercial products for AmigaOS 4. (cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 10. Apr. 2006, 16:14] [Comments: 0]
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