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photokina videofun 2006: Entry deadline prolonged
Watch out, Amiga creatives: After many requests, the organizers of the Europe-wide video competition "photokina videofun 2006" for hobby filmmakers have prolonged the deadline, once, to April 20, 2006 - Amiga video freaks still have three weeks of time to implement their own video projects, in order to show what is still possible with the Amiga and DraCo even today!

Every hobby filmmaker from Europe, who sends exhibition-ready film contributions with a maximum running length of three minutes on CD in uncompressed .avi format or on DVD about the given subject "Moments in Paradise" to Prophoto GmbH, Karlstraße 19-21, D-60329 Frankfurt am Main, Germany, can take part in the video competition "photokina videofun 2006." Participation in Europe's video competition is worthwhile for every participant. Besides the contest with other hobby filmmakers from entire Europe, a prize money amounting to 2500 euros, in addition to a certificate, beckons for the winner. Altogether, prizes amounting to more than 10,000 euros and certificate will be awarded to the first ten film contributions.

You can find further information about the competition as well as participation terms on the website of Prophoto GmbH under the title link. (nba) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 02. Apr. 2006, 13:39] [Comments: 0]
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