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Bernd Roesch (ANF)

AfA: AROS for AmigaOS 3.92
AROS for AmigaOS (AfA), a Project to enhance the AmigaOS 3.x with a reimporting of newer AROS-Functionen, is Update to Version 3.92.

The newer version provided a faster drawing of icons in high color. But in the default config is the FastIcon-option off. To activate this AfA-config is a system restart required. At this moment this option is only with AGA and Picasso96 tested - a feedback of the usability with CyberGraphX is requested.

As second change was a SaferSystem-option added to the AfA-config, which make it possible to switch the Exec-Guardfunction on and off (during operation) to protect the system agains a crash or makes it compatible. In default is this option deaktivated. (snx) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 30. Jan. 2006, 12:32] [Comments: 0]
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