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Matthias Mauch (E-Mail)

Internet: Check the capability of your Browsers
On the webside "MultiOS Browser-Test" is it possible to check the capability of Webbrowser of several Operationsystems like AmigaOS, BeOS, Linux, MacOS, OS/2, Solaris, Unix, Windows to work with the webstandards.
Following items will be tested, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS1-3), several Graphicformate, Document Object Model, JavaScript, iFrames, Registermaps, barrier-free and XML.

Since our last report at November 2004 the Webside would be complete revised and is now in according with the web-standard. New are the tests for the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), XHTML 1.1 (delivery in according to W3C) and a comparison of the PNG-Alphachanneltransparenye agains the the GIF-Format.

Beside the test the webside is also enhanced e.g. with a area of Browser-screenshots. Here are also Screenshots of AWeb and Ibrowse for AmigaOS 4. (snx) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 23. Jan. 2006, 11:07] [Comments: 0]
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