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16.Sep.2005 (Webseite)

Software-Updates from OnyxSoft: TheMPegEncGUI 2.60, SnapIt 0.2 and BackUp 1.42

TheMPegEncGUI 2.60 (AmigaOS/68k)

TheMPegEncGUI written by Daniel Westerberg is a graphical user interface for a couple of MPEG-Audio-Encoders.

News of version 2.60: Automatic renaming of files with the help of ID3-Tags, automatic downloading and installing of LAME and CDDB, automatic updates of programs.

System requirements: AmigaOS 2.04 and MUI

SnapIt 0.2 (MorphOS)

The screengrabber SnapIt written by Stefan Blixth is a native MorphOS-program with several options as well as a comfortable MUI-based user interface.

New in version 0.2 is the possibility of choosing only one single window for a screenshot as well as the possibility of grabbing non-public screens. Additionally there is a Spanish version of the documentation written by Victor Gutiérrez.

System requirements: MorphOS 1.x

BackUp 1.42 (AmigaOS/68k)

Daniel Westerbergs BackUp is a simple program for saving data.

New in version 1.42 is the possibility of stopping or pausing during the saving of a big file. Additionally some further functions were added or changed.

System requirements: AmigaOS 2.04 (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 16. Sep. 2005, 09:44] [Comments: 0]
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