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MorphOS: Neverball and Neverputt (Update)
Michal "kiero" Wozniak has ported two Games called Neverball and Neverputt to MorphOS. The aim of Neverball is to control a ball by canting the platform (Screenshots: 1, 2), Neverputt is a multiplayer minigolf-game, whichs uses the graphics and gameengine of Neverball.

The MorphOS-Port requires 3D-Support and the powersdl.library, a fast CPU is recommend. The Archiv contains both games.

Download: Neverball.lha (15 MB)

Update: (17:07, 13.09.05, snx)
There is an updated version based on Version 1.4.0, whichs contains 2 additional levels for Neverputt, a bugfix referring the configuration saveroutine, and several optimizations. (cg) (Translation: is)

[News message: 13. Sep. 2005, 02:05] [Comments: 0]
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