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Maverik, Admin (ANF)

The administrators of amiga-resistance are announcing the opening of their Amiga portal:

"Hello community,

Amiga Resistance has officially opened its gates now. But be aware that the amount of the pages is in a very early state. As a consequence the project pages are a little thin. But we hope to change this item as soon as possible with your help.

Our intention: We want to act as a central address which could be used from beginners and newbies as well as experienced amiga users.

What we offer:
  • A forum as a communication platform, where users can help each other.
  • A large download archive which offers much more besides drivers, user manuals and install disks.
  • The project pages, where users introduce their own projects. From conversions over upgrades of the Amiga to own software projects. The project pages are serving as a reference book or an incentive being active on his own to do something. From users, for users.
  • A chat where you can communicate to other users, or to get quick help

Of course Amiga Resistance exists from the participation of its users, too. If you have interesting material, workshops or similar items which could help other users, please send it to us. We will make it available that other users profit from it.

The Amiga Resistance team is eager for letters, suggestions, criticisms or material for our homepage." (cg)

[News message: 01. Sep. 2005, 18:44] [Comments: 0]
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