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Software-updates at LAME, faac/faad, ffmpeg

LAME 3.96.1

Uwe Ryssel has recompiled version 3.96.1 of LAME for WarpOS with GCC instead of StormC, whichs leds into a 3 times faster program. LAME is for creating files in MP3 format.
Download: lamewos-3.96.1-ur.lha (235 KB)

faac 1.2.4 / faad 2.0

Michel 'DMX' Bagmeijer has created recompilations of faac 1.2.4 and faad, whichs don't depend on ixemul anymore. This programs are for decoding resp. encoding the Advanced Audio Coding (MPEG2-AAC, MPEG4-AAC).

faac1.2.4_68k.lha (366 KB)
faad2_68k.lha (155 KB)

ffmpeg / ffstuff

By Michel 'DMX' Bagmeijer as well is a recompilation of ffmpeg 0.4.9 for WarpOS, which fixes memory-problems and includes some improvments. ffmpeg is a console-based video/audio-converter.

Additionally he has provided an archiv called ffstuff, which contains ffplay for AmigaOS and WarpOS, compiled with usage of SDL library.

ffmpeg_wos-0.4.9.lha (1,5 MB)
ffstuff.lzx (4 MB) (snx) (Translation: is)

[News message: 30. Aug. 2005, 09:24] [Comments: 0]
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