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MorphOS-Team (e-mail)

MorphOS: Enter the Third Dimension!
After two years of active development, we are proud to announce the immediate availability of the free MorphOS 3D Update pack. This pack brings Warp3D and OpenGLŪ API compatibility to a whole new range of hardware including 3dfx Voodoo and ATI Radeon.

TinyGL library is heavily optimized and special care has been taken to improve the OpenGLŪ compliance. It now offers an extended set of advanced features including cubic mapping, display lists, stencil buffering, multitexturing, mipmapping, palette texture handling, non-blocking rendering (no context locking is required), compiled vertex arrays, user clipping planes, selection buffer, evaluators, a GLUT implementation and much more.

Warp3D libraries have been improved and offer more compatibility than any known implementation on the market.

3D hardware supported on Pegasos II, Pegasos I and PowerUp machines:
  • 3Dfx Avenger (Voodoo 3)
  • 3Dfx Napalm (Voodoo 4 and Voodoo 5)
3D hardware supported on Pegasos II and Pegasos I machines:
  • ATI rv100 (Radeon 7000 and Radeon VE)
  • ATI r100 (Radeon 7200)
  • ATI rv200 (Radeon 7500)
3D hardware supported on Pegasos II machines:
  • ATI r200 (Radeon 8500 and Radeon 9100)
  • ATI rv250 (Radeon 9000)
  • ATI rv280 (Radeon 9200 and Radeon 9250)
The MorphOS 3D Update pack requires MorphOS 1.4.5 and is freely available on our FTP site and download portal. Please visit (title link) for additional information.

We hope you will enjoy using this pack as much as we enjoyed creating it. Keep your graphics processor busy!

Best regards,
Frank, Mark, Michal and Nicolas (snx)

[News message: 27. Aug. 2005, 08:09] [Comments: 0]
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