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Amiga Future (website)

Genesi: Support for the AMCC 440EP Yosemite board (Update)
Press release Genesi is pleased to announce that it will provide under license the Pegasos hardware abstraction layer and IEEE 1275 compliant Open Firmware (HAL/OF) for the recently released AMCC 440EP Yosemite Board.

The Pegasos HAL/OF approach brings with it immediate GNU/Linux kernel support as well as support from a growing number Linux distributions, including Debian, Gentoo, YDL, Ubuntu, CruxPPC, Montavista and Fedora. An OpenSolaris PowerPC port is also underway. The Pegasos HAL/OF has been used and is being used to support PowerPC-based platforms from Freescale, IBM and now AMCC.

Genesi recently participated in the first European meeting of held at the Barcelona Super Computer Center. At the Event the Pegasos HAL/OF approach was discussed as a potential standard for PowerPC based boards to speed system enablement.

"Already, companies like Genesi USA Inc. are building PowerPC processor-based systems using the IEEE 1275 Open Firmware model to bring PowerPC technology, flexibility, and efficiency to the desktop, low-end server, home entertainment, and pervasive computing markets at an affordable price. The hardware abstraction layer of the PegasosPPC has been integrated into the mainline GNU/Linux kernel and includes an x86 emulation extension which allows generic PC-based components to be used."

The Pegasos HAL/OF approach enables the vast software resources currently available on the Open Desktop Workstation to be shared with other PowerPC-based platforms. The Open Desktop Workstation is a CHRP compliant platform based on the Pegasos and composed of standard PC components. The Pegasos HAL/OF provides a logical successor to the CHRP standard replacing hardware dependent code with API callbacks to an abstraction layer that provides a common interface to operating systems and/or applications as required.

Update: (18:51, 23.08.05, snx)
At you can find a photo and an article about the Yosemite board. (snx)

[News message: 23. Aug. 2005, 16:39] [Comments: 0]
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