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Sascha Weigelmann (ANF)

Kick Off 2: World Cup 2005 in Germany
The 5th official Kick Off 2 World Cup is coming to Germany. It takes place from November 12th to 13th, 2005, in Cologne. After England, Holland, Greece and Italy had the honor of hosting before, it is Jörg "Panni" Pansen and Sascha Weigelmann who organise this big event in 2005. They expect guests from all over Europe and as the hosting country they hope that a lot of fellow countrymen join them in the games, partying and finally battle for the World Cup title.

The official forum to the WorldCup is at . On this forum there are - sometimes rather vivid ;) - discussions concerning the rules and all kinds of Kick Off related topics.

Kick Off 2 is a computer based football game from the company Anco back from the year 1990, which was mainly successful on the Commodore Amiga and the Atari ST. The game is still fascinating today because of its rapid gameplay and the unique way of steering, where it needs real skill to control the ball. The fun while playing is enormous and even so many years after the release there is a giant fanbase. (snx) (Translation: nba)

[News message: 22. Aug. 2005, 21:13] [Comments: 0]
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