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22.Aug.2005 (forum)

Feelin: Patch for beta version 050819
Olivier Laviale has released a patch for the recently published beta version 050819 of his object-oriented system Feelin ( reported).

The patch does fix the following bugs:

1. dos.library/DupLockFromFH() does not work with WinUAE virtual volumes (and maybe large disks). Because the function was used by FC_Document, Feelin was unable to read XML files, which result in an empty preference editor. This is fixed now.

2. "Prefs" has not been linked properly, resulting in a crash when the program ended. This is fixed now.

Furthermore, one person reported a dimension problem: the preference editor window was too big, ~1500 pixels. The author would like anyone to contact him who has experienced the same issue.

Download: Feelin050819_beta_fix01.lha (7 KB) (snx)

[News message: 22. Aug. 2005, 11:34] [Comments: 0]
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