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Steffen Nitz (ANF)

Software news: SN-HTMLKompress v1.0, Die Kleine Gilde II


With SN-HTMLKompress by Steffen Nitz you can shrink HTML files to a minimum in size to reduce the loading times of your HTML files, save traffic and webspace or make reading your HTML file source code less easy to a stranger's eyes. Depending on the coding of the original file your HTML pages are shrinked by up to 30% by removing not needed comments, spaces and empty lines.

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Die kleine Gilde II

A small update was released for the realtime trading simulation "Die kleine Gilde II" (DKG): an archive containing new background patterns for the optoins screens "buildings" and "cart list"and for the progress display.

The author does especially thank for the report in the "Amiga Insider" that has a great influence on his motivation. An entry was added to the developer diary about DKG giving a preview of the author's next planned enlargements of his game.

Link: homepage (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 13. Aug. 2005, 17:29] [Comments: 0]
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