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Matthias Jaap

Sensible-classics mini-console
Radica Games Limited announced a worldwide licensing agreement with Codemasters Software Ltd. and Sega Toys (a subsidiary of Sega corporation) to manufacture and distribute "Arcade Legends Sega Mega Drive Sensible Soccer Plus". This multi-game unit plugs directly into a TV set and allow players to play three classic games developed by Sensible Software, including Sensible Soccer, Cannon Fodder and Mega-Lo-Mania.

The product is available yet for a retail price of approximately £30 through British shops ("Where to buy?). The game is designed to replicate the high quality of the original Sega Mega Drive versions and will feature two controllers, enabling one or two player gameplay.

Pat Feely, Radica’s President and CEO said, "Sensible Software was one of the most important video game development houses of the nineties, creating fun, highly playable games and building a huge following. By re-launching their classic titles in an accessible plug and play format, Radica will be appealing to those original fans and taking a fantastic gaming experience to a whole new audience."

Matt Davies, Codemasters’ Business Development Manager, commented: "This is a great package of classic titles from the Sensible Software catalogue, which Codemasters acquired the rights to some years ago. Each game featured represents some of the most playable, original games of the 1990s and we’re thrilled to see them brought back to life thanks to Radica’s plug-and-play games system." (nba)

[News message: 06. Aug. 2005, 13:18] [Comments: 0]
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