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Bradd Webb (E-Mail)

Newsletter: Amiga Update #050731
Brad Webbs newsletter "Amiga Update" contains a summary of the more important Amiga related news of the last four weeks. The July issue has now been released:

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               A M I G A      | 050731 |      U P D A T E
        AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga, Inc.      

       B O I N G E D   I N   B E L G I U M   I N   A U G U S T

   B O O K   C O V E R S   H I S T O R Y   O F   C O M M O D O R E

        P U S H   F O R   P O W E R   P C   I N   S W E D E N 

         I B M   P O W E R   P C   A N N O U N C E M E N T S 

        A P C & T C P   T A K E S   O V E R   A M I A T L A S

             A M I G A   O S 4   M E E T S   P A L M O S

 I B R O W S E   2 . 4   N E W S   -   H A S   B E E N   D E M O E D

          E L B O X   S H I P P I N G   D - B O X   1 2 0 0

 Happy Birthday is the phrase of the month for July! This month the
Amiga turned 20 years old! The unveiling of the Amiga took place on
July 23rd, 1985 in New York city at the Lincoln Center. It sometimes
seems hard to believe, but the Amiga is still here, despite one of the
most turbulent histories any computer has ever had to deal with.
 A second anniversary is almost as momentous. This month, the
PageStream publishing program also turns 20. While not originally
Amiga software, over the years it has become one of the premier
packages running on the Amiga. Our congratulations to Deron Kazmaier
and all who have had a hand in keeping this magnificent program alive
and improving all this time. Pay them a visit at
 While celebrating these milestones, I find it interesting that at the
same time no readers came forward to add their thoughts to the
question posted by a reader in last month's issue. The question was "I
am now confused as to what the Amiga is and what it can do for the
average user. Can you possibly, in very layman's terms, produce an
article that explains what Amiga has to offer?"
 I gave an answer from my point of view, listing several valuable
facets of the Amiga and its OS. I asked the readers to send in their
ideas as well. Can't believe I covered everything in my short answer.
So I'll ask again - at 20 years on, what does the future look like for
Amiga? And what is its current role in computing as you see it? We'll
be happy to print some of the more interesting answers we get,
assuming we do get some.
 We hope you enjoy this issue.

 Brad Webb,

       B O I N G E D   I N   B E L G I U M   I N   A U G U S T

28 July, 2005 

 Boinged In Belgium will be held this summer, 6 and 7 August near
Antwerp. Organized together with the Belgian Amigaclub and celebrating
the 20th anniversary of the Amiga. You should be there... why? Because
we all want "those" days to come back, doesn't mather if you're a user
or a merchant.
 Some of the things that will be to do or to see:
 - 20 years of Amiga exposition
 - Bring your modded amiga with you, the best ones win a prize
 - One of Belgium's best airbrushers is coming over to give your Miggy
the finishing touch ! for all your questions !
 - Non-Stop day and night party ( hotel and camping-info will be added
soon )
 - Big screen gaming and big screen demoshows
 - Various exhibitors have shown interest in the show and there will
be some official announcements soon ( exhibitors )
 - Ofcours you can combine the event with a visit to the beautifull
city of Antwerp ( )
 If you have something to show, sell or whatever :
and we will work something out.
 And don't forget the dresscode: let us see those "intel outside" and
"boingballs" once again !
 The most important exhibitor of them all ... Hyperion !
 The Friedens are comming to visit Belgium and maybe Ben Hermans is
going to visit us also.
 For the people that want to see emulation, our emulationguy is going
to show you al you want to know about Amigaforever and my SonyPSP is
going to be connected to my µA1 with running UAE on it.
 I also have got an email from Dave Haynie wishing me luck with the
show and telling me that we can watch his "Deathbed Vigil" on the
bigscreen without hard feelings . So some education about commodore
for our visitors !
 - Used hardware and software market where anyone who has something to
sell can do so.
 - A lot of demos are going to be shown on the bigscreen. Also
bigscreen retrogaming
 - Always wanted to see the movie about the last days of commodore ?
... now is your change ! "the deathbed vigil" by Dave Haynie on the
 - Cloanto sponsors us with 3 copies of Amiga Forever 7.0. Two go in
to the modded Amigacompo ( Bring your Amiga with you !!!! ) and
another one is in the raffle for the people who bought their ticket in
presale ( 1 week before the presale ends ! )
 - Rose Humphrey of Amont Informatique ( France, Toulouse ) is going
to be on the show with hopefully a working 1.3 Ghz G4 prototype and
with some A1 stuff for sale. And as kind has she is, she is also
offering a beautifull prize for the one that shows up with an
application for OS4. The best application will win: A wireless PCI
card for the A1 with drivers, an Amiga t-shirt and coffeemug !

 - Davy Wentzler, "Mister Audio Evolution" himself is going to show
what is software is capable of doing!
 - The AmigaOpenOffice team is showing their progress on their work.
 - Always wanted a Boinball on your Amiga ... now is your chance, one
of Belgium's finest special painters is going to do his thing on
saturday the 6th .
 Of course there is always a lot to do or to see, various AmigaOnes
are going to be on the show to play around with, few mediator users to
fire your questions @ regarding this excellent board from Elbox. And
also a few other things up the sleave to be announced so stay tuned

   B O O K   C O V E R S   H I S T O R Y   O F   C O M M O D O R E 

2 July, 2005

About the Book

 The Spectacular Rise and Fall of Commodore tells the story of
Commodore through first-hand accounts by the actual Commodore
engineers and managers who made the company. From their entry into
computers in 1976 until their demise in 1994, the Commodore years were
always turbulent and exciting. Commodore had astounding success with
their computers, including the Pet, the Vic-20, the Commodore 64 and
the incredible Amiga computers. Although other companies received more
press, Commodore sold more computers than either Apple or IBM, with a
strong following of computer fans.
 This is not the final cover art. The final art will be so
mind-blowing it will knock you unconscious simply by looking at it.

Cast of characters

 Jack Tramiel - The pugnacious, volatile founder of Commodore
computers. Once described as the scariest man alive.
 Irving Gould - The financier who rescued Commodore from ruin in the
late 1960's. As the Chairman of Commodore and largest shareholder, he
was often his own worst enemy.
 Chuck Peddle - Uncompromising inventor of the legendary 6502
microprocessor, used in computers and video game systems by Commodore,
Apple, Atari, and Nintendo. Designer of Commodore's first computer,
the PET. His relationship with Jack Tramiel eventually soured with
disastrous consequences.
 Robert Yannes - Frustrated musician and synthesizer aficionado.
Designed the Commodore 64 and its famous sound chip, the SID.
 Al Charpentier - Chain smoking computer graphics pioneer and
architect of the VIC and VIC-II chips.
 Thomas Rattigan - One time President and CEO of Commodore computers
who saved the company from bankruptcy, only to collide with financier
Irving Gould. On his last day with Commodore he was forcibly removed
by security guards.
 Bil Herd - AKA "The Animal", he designed the ill-fated Plus/4
computer and later went on to design the Commodore 128. Known to
wrestle executives in the hallways of Commodore. Responsible for many
holes in the walls of Commodore headquarters.
 Jay Miner - Brilliant ex-Atari engineer responsible for the Atari 800
computer. Co-designer of the Atari 2600. Inventor of the ground
breaking Amiga computer for Commodore. All his projects were
co-designed by his faithful dog and official Commodore employee,
 George Robbins - Designer of the low cost Amiga 500 computer. Lived a
bohemian lifestyle at Commodore headquarters and never left the
 Dave Haynie - Carried on the Amiga legacy by developing the Amiga
2000. Stayed with Commodore until the bitter end.
 And many more...
 About the Author
 Brian Bagnall is the author of several computer books for
McGraw-Hill, Prentice-Hall PTR, and Syngress Publishing. His latest
book, Core Lego Mindstorms Programming, has been translated into
French and Japanese. He is also a frequent contributor to
 Author's Promise
 Throughout the development of this book, I have strived to keep my
personal opinions out of the writing. It was my goal to express the
opinions of those who were there. I also strived to be fair and
balanced to those who were unable to give interviews for the book.
This includes majority shareholder Irving Gould, who has since passed
away, and Jack Tramiel. (Tramiel's son Leonard was interviewed to
represent his father's point of view.) When people gave damning
comments about someone, I made an effort to see the other point of
view and present it fairly.

        P U S H   F O R   P O W E R   P C   I N   S W E D E N 

 PUSH is a computer party in Sweden which aims to unite all people
interested in computers equipped with the PowerPC line of CPUs. It is
currently arranged twice each year, once in spring and another in
 PUSH is arranged by the user group PUGS, Pegasos User Group Sweden,
but everyone with an interest in PowerPC are more than welcome to
 PUSH 2005.2 will be held at the same place as PUSH2004.1 and PUSH
2005.1, Wartagården <> in
Gothenburg, Sweden. The doors will open at noon on Friday the 5th of
August and close at 15:00 on Sunday the 7th.
 If you arrive by train, boat or airplane with your computer we can
arrange for you to be picked up by car.
 For more information contact
 Please register if you intend to show up with a computer or if you
need a table for another purpose. By registering we can ensure that
there are enough tables for everyone. If you do not need a table (i.e.
you won't bring a computer) you do not have to register.
 Registrations are in no way binding. If you register and later decide
not to show up you will not have to pay the entry fee.
 Admittance Fees 
Registered (with computer) SEK 200 
Unregistered (with
computer) SEK 300 
Without computer SEK 50/day

Registration Form
    I would bring:     
Other PowerPC

          I B M   P O W E R   P C   A N N O U N C E M E N T S 

TOKYO -July 7, 2005

 At a Power Everywhere forum in Tokyo today, IBM announced new
products, partners and initiatives around its Power Architecture(TM)
technology, signaling continued momentum for the IBM POWER(TM)
microprocessor family around the world. At the forum in Tokyo, IBM was
joined by members, Business Partners and customers.
 New members for
 IBM announced at the forum that three additional companies have
agreed to join
 * Denali Software Inc. -- a leading supplier of EDA and IP product
 solutions for design, integration and verification of standard
 * HCL Technologies Ltd. -- a leading global IT and Engineering
 Services provider
 * Xilinx, Inc. -- develops, manufactures, and markets a broad line
 of advanced integrated circuits, software design tools and
 intellectual property.
 "The momentum and promotional benefits of the collaboration
are important factors in advancing the adoption of PowerPC® technology
as a standard in the industry," stated Mark Aaldering, vice president
of the IP and Embedded Processing Divisions at Xilinx. "We see our
participation as a means to continue expanding our PowerPC embedded
solution into new and developing economies by maximizing the work of
an entire community." is a community of leading companies dedicated to promoting
IBM Power Architecture technology as a preferred open-standard
hardware-development platform for electronic systems for consumer
electronics, networking, storage, military and automotive customers.
 "We consider it a great privilege to be working collaboratively with
IBM and the members of in shaping and impacting the future
of Power Architecture technology," said Shiv Nadar, Founder HCL and
Chairman & CEO HCL Technologies Ltd. "The movement will
allow us to dynamically influence this architecture and shorten our
time to market with our design offerings and enhancements for various
Power Architecture platforms."
 "With momentum building around the world, we welcome these innovative
companies as they embark on research and development on the Power
Architecture technology," said Nigel Beck, vice president technology
marketing, IBM. "IBM's technology investments announced today and the
continued momentum of the community further position Power
Architecture technology as a leader in this new era of computing."

New products

 IBM today announced the newest member of the Power Architecture
family of microprocessors -- the PowerPC 970MP. The new processor is a
dual-core version of IBM's award winning PowerPC 970FX, targeted for
clients who desire a low-cost, high performance, 64-bit, symmetric
multiprocessing (SMP)-capable system in a small package with ranges
from 1.4 to 2.5 GHz. The microprocessor also provides power-saving
features that system architects can use to dynamically control the
system power.
 The IBM PowerPC 970MP microprocessor builds on the proven 64-bit IBM
Power Architecture family and is designed for entry level servers as
well as to provide new levels of performance and power management for
the embedded marketplace. The increased computing density of the
PowerPC 970MP brings a new level of performance to a variety of
applications, from HPC clusters to demanding embedded system
applications such as high performance storage, single board computer
and high performance networking applications.
 Each of the two 64-bit PowerPC 970MP cores has its own dedicated 1MB
L2 cache, resulting in performance more than double that of the
PowerPC 970FX. This design provides clients with a wide range of
performance and power operating points that can be selected
dynamically to match system processing needs. The frequency and
voltage of both cores can be scaled downward to reduce the power
during periods of reduced workload. For further power savings, each
core can be independently placed in a power-saving state called doze,
while the other core continues operation. Finally, one of the cores
can be completely de-powered during periods of less stringent
performance requirements.
 IBM also announced today new low-power extensions to its
award-winning PowerPC 970FX offering. This newest offering is targeted
for clients who desire a low-cost 64-bit processor featuring high
performance, a sub-20 Watt power envelope and SMP. The new offering is
targeted to provide an operating power of 13W at 1.4 GHz and 16W at
1.6GHz under typical workloads. The microprocessor also provides
power-saving features that system architects can use to dynamically
control the system power.
 The 64-bitPowerPC 970FX microprocessor builds on the proven 64-bit
IBM Power Architecture family and is suited to embedded applications
including imaging and networking, and provides new levels of
performance and power management for the embedded marketplace.
Designed to run at frequencies up to 2.7 GHz, the PowerPC 970FX
includes a 512KB L2 cache, provides native 64-bit and 32-bit
application compatibility and uses a high bandwidth processor bus
capable of delivering up to 7.1 GB/s to keep the processor core and
the SIMD/Vector engine fed with data. The processor core can dispatch
five instructions per cycle, and issue one instruction per cycle to
each of its ten execution units, including two fixed point, two
floating point, two load store, two vector and two system units. The
L1 instruction cache holds 64 KB, the L1 data cache holds 32 KB, and
each processor has its own dedicated 1MB L2 cache.

New Initiatives

 At the forum in Tokyo, IBM announced an expansion of an open network
of IT professionals and developers within the Linux community, called
the OpenPower Project. The initiative gives Linux developers and
enthusiasts an opportunity to test POWER5(TM) processor-based
OpenPower(TM) servers via the Internet. The effort marks the first
time that the Linux community has been able to test the impressive
performance of OpenPower systems in an open, collaborative online
 The OpenPower Project also hosts a comprehensive set of tools and
resources for Linux on Power Architecture(TM) technology. The
OpenPower Project can be accessed at>

        A P C & T C P   T A K E S   O V E R   A M I A T L A S

1 July, 2005

 APC&TCP: Complete distribution of AmiATLAS taken over
 We are proud to announce that APC&TCP has taken over immediately the
complete distribution and support of AmiATLAS.
 In the Online-Shop of APC&TCP you can get now two different editions
of AmiATLAS:

Premium Edition

 AmiATLAS full release with a high grade color CD and package incl.
free updates via eMail for one year. Maximum of two free replacement
CDs is possible against delivery of your old CD. This offer belongs to
shipping within germany only, other countries on request!

Budget Edition

 AmiATLAS full release with a low cost CD and package WITHOUT free
updates! These are only available via the normal update process
(delivery of your old CD and costs of (currently) 8,-, see
online-shop). No free updates via eMail (only if there are
aggraviating problems!).
 The support homepage of AmiATLAS is only available at the address in the future. All other mirrors are no longer
updated and will be closed the next days!
 Please notice that absolutely no news messages about APC&TCP products
will be published at!
 If you want to be informed actually about news and updates to
AmiATLAS, please subscribe to the APC&TCP newsletter only with a
simple eMail to or visit other news
sites too.

            A M I G A   O S 4   M E E T S   P A L M O S 

13 July, 2005

 PalmOS can now talk to OS4 via a native port of pdalink.library
uploaded to OS4Depot along with the PdaTime and PdaTransfer utilities.
 This is a native OS4-only port and does not include a glue file so it
is not currently usable from 68K applications (e.g. Spitfire). I
wasn't able to get any sync software to run on OS4 myself so I figure
nobody needs the 68k backwards compatibility right now.
 I have a Palm IIIe I received as a gift some years ago and I wanted
to backup and restore its data using OS4. I already use Spitfire on my
3.x box but that won't run for me on OS4 so I went searching for a
solution. Spitfire uses the pdalink.library to do its dirty work and
pdalink is GPL (thanks to Richard Koerber) so I ported it. With the
included PdaTransfer utility you can perform backups, installs,
restores, etc. via the command line.
 I've tested it with both of my serial ports on my A1XE. I wiped out
my Palm IIIe's memory and restored it with no problems so I'm pretty
confident it is working correctly.
 I'm still working on making the source code more OS4 friendly so it
isn't included yet. I did make some bug fixes along the way as well.
When I'm done it will be directly usable from your OS4 SDK with a
simple #include <proto/pdalink.h>.

Description:     Connect Amiga with Palm PDA
Download:     pdalink.lha       
Version:     3.1
Date:     21 Jul 05
Author:     Richard Koerber
Submitter:     Steven Solie
Requirements:     AmigaOS 4.0 update 3, PalmOS 2.0
Category:     utility/misc
Replaces:     utility/misc/pdalink.lha
License:     GPL
Distribute:     yes
FileID:     895
Comments:     0  [View]
Snapshots:     0  [View]
Downloads:     56 (For current version, not accumulated)


 PdaLink is based on the PilotLink software by Kenneth Albanowski. It
is not just a Un*x port and has been written from scratch.
 PilotLink is very memory consuming. Each layer allocates a new
buffer, adds the layer headers and trailers to this buffer and then
copies the data from the previous layer to the new layer.
 PdaLink has only one buffer for the data and all the headers. It does
not require multiple copies of the data and is therefore faster and
consumes less memory.

Richard Koerber does not have the time to improve PdaLink any further.
So he decided to make its source code public.

What you have here is the latest, previously unreleased version of
PdaLink. It has been ported to AmigaOS 4.0 native and contains some
bug fixes and minor improvements.


PdaTime - Get the time from your Pilot
PdaTransfer - Administration tool for backup, restore, install, etc.

Please see the command templates for more information.


The standard AmigaOS 4.0 SDK is required to compile the sources and
a GNU makefile (Unix paths) is provided.

In order to understand the source code you should know about packet
layer techniques. You should also reference the PilotLink source code
from Kenneth Albanowski.


The GNU General Public License applies.

  PdaLink - Connecting Amiga to the Palm
  Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Richard Körber
  Copyright (c) 2005 Steven Solie

  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

For further details, see the COPYING file of this package.


 The original author can be contacted at one of the following

The AmigaOS 4.0 version author can be contacted at

 I B R O W S E   2 . 4   N E W S   -   H A S   B E E N   D E M O E D 

23 July, 2005

 IBrowse 2.4 was demo'd at several shows around the globe recently.
Obviously not everyone can get to these shows, so IBrowse have created
a summary of the news.
 Firstly, IBrowse 2.4 is only a minor update to IBrowse 2.3, and
brings the 2.x line to a close. Future development will be
concentrated soley on IBrowse 3 and beyond. The intention of IBrowse
2.4 was to fix the various crash inducing bugs, and incomplete
features found in 2.3. Only one new feature was planned, namely the
PluginAPI. Due to the time taken to reach that stage, various other
improvements and new features found their way into 2.4, which has so
far accumillated in approx 450 changes to date.

Summary of the new features:

    * Plugin API
    * AmiSSLv3 Support
    * Context Pointers
    * Background Tab Loading
    * Preliminary Character Set & utf-8 Support (OS4)

Summary of the re-written features:

    * Spoofing Engine
    * FTP Networking Code

Summary of the improved features:

    * JavaScript Engine
    * HTML Engine
    * HTTP Engine
    * Cookie Support
    * Localisation
    * Various GUI Elements
    * Internal GIF Decoder
    * Table Parser
    * Memory Management


IBrowse 2.4 Features in detail:

New Features

/Plugin API system for embedded objects/

 Based on the v4 NPAPI (Netscape Plugin API) to allow for easier
porting of NS compatable plugins, this is used to allow IBrowse to
display embedded objects within the browser when a suitable plugin is
available. The most common embedded object would probably be Flash
animations, followed by Movie clips. Another example of a plugin is a
PDF viewer, which can still be viewed embedded in the browser,
although its not embedded in a page per se.
 Currently we have a Flash plugin in development, which is based on
the open source libflash by Olivier Debon which we are using for
testing and debugging the API implementation. libflash is very out of
date by todays standards, so many flash files will not work,
unfortunately. However, as part of the Plugin SDK, and inline with the
GPL license of the libflash version, the source to the flash plugin
will be released as an example plugin allowing for further development
by interested parties (one of which has already expressed an interest
in furthering the development).
 Additionally, Stephen Fellner of DvPlayer/RiVA fame has expressed an
interest in developing a movie plugin based on DvPlayer, allowing
playback of the formats it supports. Currently these will be MPEG and
MPEG2 formats, but these may expand to AVI and WMV in the future.

/AmiSSLv3 support/

 Support for the latest AmiSSL release has been added to IBrowse 2.4,
allowing the use of the most up to date SSL implementation available
for AmigaOS. AmigaOS4 users will be able to benefit from the improved
speed of the PPC native SSL implementation, and other AmigaOS
compatable systems will be able to use the 68k implementation.

/Optional context pointer support/

 Support for context sensitive pointers has been added, providing
different mouse pointers in different areas of IBrowse. Currently,
there is a hand pointer (with clicking finger!), horizontal and
vertical resize/drag pointers, and a grab pointer for moving frame
dividers. These will not be configurable in 2.4, but they can be
disabled. Configurable pointers is planned for IB3.

/Background browser tab loading/

 Support for background tab loading has finally been added. Links can
be opened in new browsers which remain inactive, allowing you to
continue browsing the original page uninteruppted. Links can be opened
conditionally in active or inactive browsers via the FAB menu, or for
links that open in a new browser via JS or target _blank, they can be
controlled globally from the IBrowse prefs by setting the default
activation method. Finally, the NEWBROWSER ARexx command can specify
whether the browser should be active, inactive or as per the prefs.

/Preliminary character set and utf-8 support/

 One of the new features of AmigaOS4 is the ability to use fonts that
provide multiple character set mappings. IBrowse has been enhanced to
take advantage of this feature, allowing the page to be displayed in
the character set specified by the page. There are some limitations to
this, including that it only affects text in the HTML display (not the
window title, tab titles, embedded MUI objects used in forms, etc).
Also utf-8 decoding is mostly restricted to mapping back to characters
available in the windows-1252 character set. This feature is "work in
progress", with a better solution planned for IB3, but we saw no harm
in making the current functionality available in the meantime.

Rewritten Features.


 The spoofing engine has been totally re-written for 2.4, and provides
a range of pre-defined spoofing options. As before, they are
controlled by the URL Prefs, but additionally they are also selectable
from the Preferences menu as many people had requested. The available
options for spoofing are:

    * IBrowse (compatable)¹
    * IBrowse (standard)¹
    * Netscape 4.78
    * Netscape 7.2
    * Mozilla 1.7.5
    * Firefox 1.0
    * MSIE 4.01
    * MSIE 5.01
    * MSIE 5.5
    * MSIE 6.0

 Spoofing simply means IBrowse will tell the querying webserver that
it is one of the above browsers, which can often allow you to gain
access to sites which would otherwise reject IBrowse, often for no
valid reason. It does NOT mean that IBrowse will magically inherit the
features of the browser it is spoofing, so setting it to Mozilla will
not suddenly give it CSS support, and setting it to MSIE6.0 will not
suddenly give it ActiveX support!

 These options are essentially the same, however in compatible mode,
IB will report itself as IBrowse in the HTTP headers (and so in the
server logs), but as Netscape when queried by JS during browser
checks. This is handy if you wish to promote IBrowse/AmigaOS in server
logs, whist remaining compatable with more sites checking for Netscape
via JS. Standard mode will report IBrowse in both the HTTP headers,
and when queried via JS. Compatible is the same mode than IBrowse 2.3
and below use.

/FTP Networking Code/

 Much of this has been re-witten for 2.4, making it more compatable
with a wider range of FTP servers compared to previous releases

Improved Features.

/JavaScript Engine/

 JavaScript engine has been improved yet further providing support for
more event handlers, and improved DOM support, along with some
significant speed increases in certain areas. It is still the most
complete JavaScript 1.5 implementation available on AmigaOS, and new
for AmigaOS4 owners will be the PPC native JS library, giving a
significant speed boost over the old 68k library.

/HTML Engine/

 Enhanced, with improved support for more tags and attributes, as well
as being compatible with more sites.

/HTTP Engine/

 Now compatible with more servers.

/Cookie support/

 Support for 2000 global cookies, with a 200 per domain limit plus a
magnitude of fixes to the cookie handling.


 Improved throught IBrowse², and 2.4 will come with full localisation
courtesty of ATO. The catalog will be sent out for translation as soon
as possible so they are ready in time for the release of 2.4.

/Various GUI Elements/

 Splash window, with progress bar during startup & shutdown. IBrowse²
Textfield has been further improved and now sports a nice new FAB menu
for functions such as Undo, Redo, Copy, Paste and Cut. GUI response,
with reduced refreshing and redrawing. Image loading and decoding
feedback when using external decoders courtesy of the place holders.
These have also been expanded to cover the plugin system, to provide
additional feedback on the plugin status.

/Internal GIF Decoder/

 Compatible with more GIF images and animations after significant

/Table Parser/

 Providing better compatability with more tables.

/Memory Management/

 Further improvements to the memory management and usage, more memory
leaks plugged

          E L B O X   S H I P P I N G   D - B O X   1 2 0 0 

26 July 2005

 Elbox Computer is now shipping D-BOX 1200, the new tower system for
Amiga 1200 computers.

Detailed photos of the D-BOX tower system have been published at and at

 D-BOX 1200 is designed for these Amiga 1200 users who want to upgrade
their computers with the DRAGON 1200, a ColdFire-based accelerator
card combined with the PCI/AGP Expansion busboard. D-BOX 1200 allows
also using other busboards like Mediator PCI 1200 SX, Mediator PCI
1200 LT4, Mediator PCI 1200 LT2, Mediator PCI 1200 or G-REX 1200.

D-BOX 1200 features:

* Tower case for Amiga 1200 computers

* 350W ATX power supply unit

* PC keyboard interface (optional)

* 4 bays for 5.25" drives

* (one CD drive bay cover included)

* 1 bay for the Amiga floppy disk drive

* (FDD front panel included)

* 5 internal bays for 3.5" hard disk drives

* 2 USB connectors on the front panel
* Chassis structure: steel

* Possible assembly of:

- Dragon 1200

- Mediator 1200 SX

- Mediator 1200 LT4

- Mediator 1200

- Mediator 1200 LT2

- G-REX 1200

- A1200 with turbo card only

* Front panel:

- POWER button

- RESET button

- Green LED: power supply unit working

- Red LED: HDD working

* The case structure guarantees EMC electromagnetic noise shielding

 For more information about the D-BOX 1200 tower system, visit the
D-BOX 1200 website.
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Copyright 2005 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
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[News message: 01. Aug. 2005, 13:00] [Comments: 0]
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