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MorphOS: OS4Emu 1.8 allows the use OS4 libraries with MorphOS
With version 1.8 of the wrapper OS4Emu by Illka Lehtoranta support for OS4 native libaries has been added in that kind that these may be used now just like if they were libraries for MorphOS.

To use OS4 libraries with OS4Emu it is required to rename them with the extension '.os4' and to copy them to the directory 'SYS:OS4Emu/Libs'. Then bind them with the commands 'assign LIBS: SYS:OS4Emu/Libs ADD' and 'PatchLoadSegOS4 OPENLIBPATCH'.

Due to their suffix '.os4' the same library may be installed to the system twice, as MorphOS and as OS4 version - is the native version not available the OS4 version is used instead.

Please note that not all AmigaOS4 libraries can be used with MorphOS. Yet only several cross calls between MorphOS and AmigaOS4 are suported. The direct objekt interface (DoMethod(), SetAttrs(), etc.) works, but the hook interface (CallHookPkt()) not.

The following AmigaOS4 libraries do therefor not work under MorphOS:
  • MUI classes (MUI custom classes, mcc)
  • BOOPSI classes (3rd party ReAction classes)
  • mpega.library (there is an additional problem also...)
Datatypes may or may not work.

Further improvements in V1.8:
  • Bugfix at the calls MatchFirst(), MatchNext(), MatchEnd(), AllocDosObject() and FreeDosObject() from the dos.library, fixes also the LOCCounter error
  • Bugfix and improvement for calling functions from the intuition.library, gadtools.library and exec.library as well as the ReAction emulation classes; from the GadTools fix the AmigaOS4 version of SGrab benefits, but there is still a problem with the menu.
  • Addition of the function EncodeColor() to the P96 wrapper
From the currently 139 tested AmigaOS4 programs 75 are known to work flawless; 19 more seem to work also, but were tested only briefly; the remaining 45 programs do not work yet.

Download: os4emu.lha (106 KB) (snx) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 27. Jul. 2005, 12:54] [Comments: 0]
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