Coyote Flux (ANF)
Coyote Flux: Update of PPC680x0 / NoClick-module for Kickflash OS4
Coyote Flux released a new version of the sourcecode-converter PPC680x0 and a NoClick-module for the Kickflash OS4-card.
Apart from this amiga-software Coyote Flux has shown screenshots and
of Evolution Advance to be found on their
website. Evolution Advance
is a 3D-game-worlds-renderer for the Gameboy Advance, whose design was
made on Amiga. dessen Design auf dem Amiga entstand.
PPC68k20.lha (537 KB)
NoClick.lha (1 KB) (snx) (Translation: nba)
[News message: 24. Jul. 2005, 23:00] [Comments: 0]
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