Dave Fisher (email)
IBrowse 2.4: feature list and screenshots
After showing the newest version of the web browser IBrowse toady at several Amiga events-Veranstaltungen for the first time to the public are an overview of the new functions and some screenshots to be found on the developers' website:
New features:
- Plugin API.
- AmiSSLv3 support.
- context sensitive mouse pointer.
- Background tab loading.
- AmigaOS 4:simple support of characters tables and UTF-8.
Overhauled features:
- Spoofing engine.
- FTP support.
- JavaScript engine.
- HTML engine.
- HTTP engine.
- Cookie support.
- Localization.
- Several GUI elements.
- Internal GIF decoder.
- Table parser.
- Memory management.
More comprehensive descriptions of the changes listed above as well as some screenshots can be found under the title link.
(cg) (Translation: wk)
[News message: 23. Jul. 2005, 20:57] [Comments: 0]
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