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Olaf Barthel (ANF)

Developing tool: Subversion 1.1.4 for Amiga ported
Subversion is a software packet for maintaining of source texts and binary data just like the older RCS or CVS. Above all it is meant as a replacement for CVS and has not its bugs e.g. insufficient maintenance of binary data.

In this port made by Olaf Barthel the functions for maintaining the Amiga file attributes (hold, archive, script, pure, etc.) and file comments have been added.

The archive contains the documentation, the whole changes made on the source code of the Amiga version and the programs (client/server) translated for AmigaOS 2.x/3.x/4.x.

Download: subversion-1.1.4.lha (7 MB) (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 29. Apr. 2005, 12:39] [Comments: 0]
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