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MorphOS: software news until March, 5th 2005

Role playing game: Ularn

Ularn (Ultra-Larn) belongs to the cathegory of the "Rogue" clones, the MorphOS port was done by Alfred J. Faust.

Link: official homepage
Link: download page for MOS version

Digital Almanac 3 (binary only)

Ilkka Lehtoranta compiled the recently made available source codes of the astronomy software "Digital Almanac 3" (DA3) for MorphOS. The archive contains only the executable file, to be able to use DA3 you still need the (commercial) full version.

Download: da3.lha ( KB)

Desktop Search 0.1.0

With MorphOS Desktop Search you can search the hard disks for valuable information and create an index for easier finding. In the data base you then can display found files, images, songs or e-mails by double clicking.

The new version does now support the data base SQLite so there's no need for a second computer anymore.

Link: download page
Download: MDS_20050303.lha (900 KB)

Updates for Madbomber and CircusLinux

"Madbomber" is a SDL based remake of the Atari classic "Kaboom!" (screenshot) while CircusLinux is an also SDL based remake of "Circus Atari" (screenshot).

Both MorphOS versions now use the powersdl.library and offer much improved sound support.

Link: homepage
Download: madbomber_mos.lha (2.4 MB)
Download: circuslinux_mos.lha (1.2 MB)

LTris 1.0.10

Ltris is a SDL based Tetris clone by Michael Speck, the MorphOS port was done by Ilkka Lehtoranta (screenshot).

Link: download page
Download: ltris_mos.lha (531 KB)


The TCP port scanner ascan was released by Alfonso Ranieri in the version 7.0 for MorphOS and AmigaOS-68k.

Link: homepage
Download: ascan.lha (36 KB) (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 05. Mar. 2005, 20:28] [Comments: 0]
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