Horst Diebel (ANF)
Strategy game: News from "Schlachtfeld"
There are some news of the strategy game called "Schlachtfeld":
Dennis "Psyria" Lohr has agreed to make available his Schlachtfeld title theme for
Phase II as well and to write some other tracks for the game if it is necessary.
Besides this somebody has been found who creates a new background graphic for
Schlachtfeld Phase II. You can find a preview under the title link. If you have
suggestions for other background graphics please contact Horst Diebel via e-mail.
Those models which were designed by Edgar Leidig will probably not be used in
Phase II. But the basic structures are kept and will be still improved so the
units may be used in a Phase III.
During the next days there will be updates on the Schlachtfeld website.
(cg) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 04. Mar. 2005, 21:54] [Comments: 0]
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