Aminet: uploads until 2005-02-18 (part 1)
Here are the new Aminet uploads since our last posting:
lohnsteuer.lha biz/misc 154K 2005-02-13 Calculate the taxes and social insurance - (readme)
TextBlocks.lha biz/swood 5K 2005-02-13 Rotatable paragraphs - (readme)
bitlbee_0.85a.lha comm/irc 337K 2005-02-13 BitlBee 0.85a - (readme)
fisg_0.2.0_mos.lha comm/irc 75K 2005-02-13 fisg 0.2.0 - (readme)
gruftistats_mos.lha comm/irc 92K 2005-02-14 Gruftistats 0.2.4 - (readme)
wookiechat.lha comm/irc 1.3M 2005-02-17 IRC client (Internet Relay Chat) - (readme)
PtpDigCam-AOS.lha comm/misc 263K 2005-02-13 Download images from PTP digital camera - (readme)
PtpDigCam-MOS.lha comm/misc 396K 2005-02-13 Download images from PTP digital camera - (readme)
Savvy.lha comm/misc 72K 2005-02-13 V1.0 Savvy (as in Savvy Networker -- a GU - (readme)
jday_1.3.lha comm/net 65K 2005-02-13 jday 1.3 - (readme)
micq_0.4.11.lha comm/net 897K 2005-02-13 mICQ 0.4.11 - (readme)
micq_0.4.12_mos.lha comm/net 1.0M 2005-02-16 MICQ 0.4.12 - (readme)
micq_mos.lha comm/net 1.0M 2005-02-14 MICQ 0.4.12 - (readme)
mpgtx_1.3.lha comm/net 129K 2005-02-13 mpgtx 1.3 - (readme)
ncftp_3.1.8.lha comm/net 643K 2005-02-16 Ncftp 3.1.8 - (readme)
netmon.lha comm/net 70K 2005-02-13 Network Monitor for Roadshow and AmigaOS - (readme)
rdesktop.lha comm/net 311K 2005-02-17 Remote Desktop client for OS4 with GUI - (readme)
savvy.lha comm/net 117K 2005-02-14 SavvyPPC.lha - (readme)
savvyppc.lha comm/net 98K 2005-02-17 V1.2 Savvy (as in Savvy Networker) - (readme)
xlhtml_0.5.lha comm/net 221K 2005-02-13 xlhtml 0.5 - (readme)
AmiDiction.lha comm/tcp 31K 2005-02-13 Online Dictionary - (readme)
AmiMSN.lha comm/tcp 48K 2005-02-15 (1.0-WIP) MSN Messenger client w/ file tr - (readme)
amitorrent.lha comm/tcp 325K 2005-02-17 AMITorrent - An Amiga BitTorrent clone - (readme)
facts.lha comm/tcp 199K 2005-02-13 NTP clock time synchroniser AutoDST/GUI - (readme)
WeatherCheck.lha comm/tcp 29K 2005-02-13 Gets Australian weather forecast informat - (readme)
FakeUUCP.lha comm/uucp 167K 2005-02-13 NNTP/POP3 <> UUCP module for MicroDot - (readme)
apache_1.31.1.lha comm/www 275K 2005-02-13 Apache 1.3.31 for MorphOS - (readme)
apache_mos.lha comm/www 293K 2005-02-14 Apache 1.3.33 for MorphOS - (readme)
httplog_2.1_mos.lha comm/www 31K 2005-02-16 Httplog 2.1 - (readme)
httplog_mos.lha comm/www 31K 2005-02-14 Httplog 2.1 - (readme)
MakeHTMLMap.lha comm/www 682K 2005-02-13 Good (Web-) Gallery Creator, many useful - (readme)
surfboard_1.1.10.lha comm/www 48K 2005-02-16 Surfboard 1.1.10 - (readme)
webalizer_2.01-10.lha comm/www 828K 2005-02-16 Webalizer 2.01-10 - (readme)
Liquidtros.lha demo/intro 801K 2005-02-13 Intro Collection from LiQuiD - (readme)
The_Gallery.lha demo/mag 767K 2005-02-13 Disk Magazine for graphicians - (readme)
mds-rsh.lha demo/sound 2.6M 2005-02-13 Moods Plateau with a brand new musicdisk - (readme)
XADDevBas.lha dev/basic 85K 2005-02-13 Using XADmaster library from HBasic - (readme)
XFDDevBas.lha dev/basic 41K 2005-02-16 Using XFDmaster library from HBasic - (readme)
cprofilerppc.lha dev/c 199K 2005-02-17 Generate a Call-diagram for a program's s - (readme)
minicrc_0.2.2_mos.lha dev/c 32K 2005-02-16 Minicrc 0.2.2 - (readme)
minicrc_mos.lha dev/c 32K 2005-02-14 Minicrc 0.2.2 - (readme)
pgmasstppc.lha dev/c 281K 2005-02-13 A GUI (V2.0) for various text editing & f - (readme)
SDI_headers.lha dev/c 21K 2005-02-13 SDI headers - A set of C macro/defines to - (readme)
splint_3.1.1_mos.lha dev/c 1.6M 2005-02-16 Splint 3.1.1 - (readme)
statemachineppc.lha dev/c 408K 2005-02-17 Generates Finite State Machine source cod - (readme)
tooltypeseditorppc.lha dev/c 79K 2005-02-17 V2.1 ToolTypesEditorPPC - (readme)
Annotate.lha dev/cross 47K 2005-02-16 Comments/reformats DASMX 2650 cross-disas - (readme)
cazm.lha dev/cross 59K 2005-02-13 Z80 Cross Assembler with source - (readme)
wla-dx.lha dev/cross 1.4M 2005-02-17 GB-Z80/Z80/6502/65C02/6510/65816/HUC6280/ - (readme)
DECH.lha dev/e 45K 2005-02-13 Deniil's E-Compiler Handler v1.45 - (readme)
q-device_src.lha dev/e 66K 2005-02-13 E Source Code to Q-Device! V0.6 - (readme)
autoconf2.59.lha dev/gg 669K 2005-02-15 GNU automatic configuration generator - (readme)
fileutils_mos.lha dev/gg 1.4M 2005-02-16 File management utilities, MorphOS binari - (readme)
m4-68k.tar.gz dev/gg 61K 2005-02-13 M4 - Unix macro processor - 68k bin - (readme)
m4-ppc.lha dev/gg 165K 2005-02-13 M4 - Unix macro processor - OS4 bin - (readme)
m4-src.tar.gz dev/gg 326K 2005-02-13 M4 - Unix macro processor - src - (readme)
make-3.81beta1-1-mosbin.lha dev/gg 487K 2005-02-16 POSIX compatible 'make' program, MorphOS - (readme)
make-3.81beta1-1-mossrc.lha dev/gg 1.6M 2005-02-16 POSIX compatible 'make' program, MorphOS - (readme)
make-3.81beta1-mos-bin.lha dev/gg 488K 2005-02-16 POSIX compatible 'make' program, MorphOS - (readme)
make-3.81beta1-mos-src.lha dev/gg 1.6M 2005-02-16 POSIX compatible 'make' program, MorphOS - (readme)
thttpd_2.25b.lha dev/gg 211K 2005-02-13 thttpd v2.25b - (readme)
feelin041218.lha dev/gui 598K 2005-02-13 041218 Powerful Object-oriented System & - (readme)
AmigaTalk.lha dev/lang 1.4M 2005-02-13 V2.7 Update of AmigaTalk (Smalltalk GUI) - (readme)
nano.lha dev/lang 234K 2005-02-13 New virtual machine, assembler like langu - (readme)
CopperED.lha dev/misc 72K 2005-02-13 Copper List Editor (AGA) - (readme)
diffstat_mos.lha dev/misc 33K 2005-02-14 Diffstat 1.34 - (readme)
gtbtranslatorppc.lha dev/misc 263K 2005-02-17 V2.3 GTBTranslatorPPC generates source co - (readme)
robodocbuilder.lha dev/misc 245K 2005-02-17 V3.0 RoboDocBuilderPPC (Source included) - (readme)
commonfuncsppc.lha dev/src 121K 2005-02-17 GadTools support object file. Source inc - (readme)
diskhelpers.lha dev/src 276K 2005-02-13 HardDisk report programs. Source include - (readme)
HW-Access.lha dev/src 3K 2005-02-13 Parallel And Games Port Access Using Arex - (readme)
ifffuncs.lha dev/src 73K 2005-02-13 IFFParse library interface functions. Sou - (readme)
inifuncs.lha dev/src 63K 2005-02-17 V3.0 Link library of .ini file functions - (readme)
listbrowserexa.lha dev/src 160K 2005-02-14 V2.0 Update of ListBrowserExample (ReActi - (readme)
listbrowserexample.lha dev/src 160K 2005-02-16 V2.0 Update of ListBrowserExample (ReActi - (readme)
programlauncherppc.lha dev/src 269K 2005-02-17 Launches Programs from a GUI. Source inc - (readme)
timedserial.lha dev/src 54K 2005-02-16 Serial I/O functions that time-out. Sourc - (readme)
xad_UCSD.lha dev/src 1K 2005-02-16 UCSD filesystem xadmaster client - (readme)
BackUp.lha disk/bakup 44K 2005-02-13 A simple backup tool.. v1.41 - (readme)
cfd.lha disk/misc 73K 2005-02-13 use CompactFlash cards in your PCMCIA slo - (readme)
diskspeed.lha disk/misc 52K 2005-02-17 DiskSpeed & ScsiSpeed for AmigaOS4 - (readme)
ls120 disk/misc 0K 2005-02-17 LS120 Driver - (readme)
myformat1.32.lha disk/misc 67K 2005-02-13 Format replacement. OS4+ required - (readme)
q-device.lha disk/misc 99K 2005-02-14 V0.6 SCSI/IDE Query, Command & Diagnostic - (readme)
SFS.lha disk/misc 268K 2005-02-13 Smart Filesystem copyrighted by John Hend - (readme)
thermometer.lha disk/misc 4K 2005-02-16 V0.1 Displays temperatures of SCSI Hard D - (readme)
AMIthlon_CD.lha docs/help 180K 2005-02-13 How to make an updated bootable AMIthlon - (readme)
AmigaPower.lha docs/hyper 59K 2005-02-16 AMiGa=PoWeR French Amiga Magazine (28 Nov - (readme)
Companion.lha docs/hyper 35K 2005-02-16 AmigaGuide frontend for Amiga Developer C - (readme)
OS39AGAD.lha docs/hyper 772K 2005-02-16 OS3.9 autodocs in AmigaGuide format - (readme)
ThePolice.lha docs/hyper 56K 2005-02-13 The Police: albums, lyrix, singles +more - (readme)
AmigaFuture51.lha docs/mags 587K 2005-02-13 Great german paper mag preview - (readme)
saku46.lha docs/mags 3.3M 2005-02-14 Saku #46 (2/2004). Finnish e-zine. - (readme)
lbreakout2.lha game/actio 2.9M 2005-02-13 Free SDL-based Breakout clone - (readme)
Saga.lha game/board 345K 2005-02-13 Saga 1.51: Conversion of TSR boardgame - (readme)
Anime_MaP.lha game/data 978K 2005-02-13 Manga/Anime cardset to MarryamPic - (readme)
BubbleGum_REKO.lha game/data 565K 2005-02-13 Manga/Anime REKO Cardset - BubbleGum Cris - (readme)
GS_Cats-REKO.lha game/data 590K 2005-02-13 Manga/Anime REKO Cardset - GunSmith Cats - (readme)
Liga04-05.lha game/data 13K 2005-02-13 Update of Liga 2004-05 for SWOS game - (readme)
SwosGreece2005.lha game/data 8K 2005-02-13 SWOS Update File Greece 2004-05 - (readme)
FloPreview.lha game/demo 271K 2005-02-13 Jump'n'Run Game - (readme)
smoother.lha game/gag 15K 2005-02-17 Small joke program to "smoothen" your mou - (readme)
Arkanos.lha game/misc 494K 2005-02-16 Break out game like ARKANOID ** V2.1 ** - (readme)
crimsonfields.lha game/misc 2.1M 2005-02-13 BattleIsle-like free strategy game - (readme)
oes.lha game/misc 4.8M 2005-02-17 Port of Orbital Eunuchs Sniper 1.29 for A - (readme)
Quinielator.lha game/misc 465K 2005-02-18 Spanish Quiniela game simulator - (readme)
rubb.lha game/misc 196K 2005-02-14 The Rubber (AGA Race game) - (readme)
scummvmos4.lha game/misc 2.3M 2005-02-14 Point-and-Click adventure interpreter - (readme)
WormWars.lha game/misc 703K 2005-02-13 Worm Wars 8.2: Advanced snake game - (readme)
HexagonsPatch.lha game/patch 1K 2005-02-13 Fix a serious bug in Hexagons - (readme)
spaceinv.lha game/shoot 60K 2005-02-16 99% arcade perfect Space Invaders - (readme)
adv770.lha game/text 829K 2005-02-13 Text adventure Adv770 - (readme)
scrambly_aos4.lha game/think 195K 2005-02-17 Puzzle game - port of a cellphone game - (readme)
SopoBlock.lha game/think 3.1M 2005-02-13 SopoBlock - Cute tiny MiniGL puzzler v1.0 - (readme)
AlphaQuad.lha game/wb 34K 2005-02-13 Place the letters in the right order! - (readme)
Simonize.lha game/wb 35K 2005-02-13 Recreate the pattern created by the compu - (readme)
Triom.lha game/wb 37K 2005-02-13 Make trios of shapes! - (readme)
autotrace.lha gfx/conv 247K 2005-02-14 Converts bitmap to vector graphics. - (readme)
png2ico_mos.lha gfx/conv 316K 2005-02-14 Png2ico 2002-12-08 - (readme)
png2linuxlogo_mos.lha gfx/conv 90K 2005-02-16 Png2linuxlogo 1.02 - (readme)
tiff2png_0.91_mos.lha gfx/conv 244K 2005-02-16 Tiff2png 0.91 - (readme)
DIYprep.lha gfx/ifx 3K 2005-02-16 Prepare picture for use with DIYreko - (readme)
DIYrekoIII.lha gfx/ifx 52K 2005-02-16 Create REKO, Soliton and AS-... cardsets - (readme)
DIYrekoTutor.lha gfx/ifx 24K 2005-02-16 Example files for DIYreko - (readme)
ImageFX45txtFR.lha gfx/ifx 111K 2005-02-13 ImageFX 4.5 French interface Text - (readme)
amishots.lha gfx/misc 91K 2005-02-17 AMIShots for Amiga. An Amiga clone of Web - (readme)
mpegrip.lha gfx/misc 807K 2005-02-15 Rips/splits/extracts/video system/vid/aud - (readme)
os1.3hiresptrs.lha gfx/misc 96K 2005-02-14 Os 1.3 like pointers for OS4 - (readme)
real_iconz.lha gfx/misc 11M 2005-02-17 Amiga PNG Icons for use with Power Icons - (readme)
vobTools_1.5_mos.lha gfx/misc 68K 2005-02-16 Vobtools 1.5 - (readme)
qlview.lha gfx/show 239K 2005-02-17 Sinclair QL Screen viewer and iff saver. - (readme)
swfplayer.lha gfx/show 569K 2005-02-16 Standalone player for Amiga (v1.3) 68k+WO - (readme)
visio.lha gfx/show 295K 2005-02-18 A simple image viewer - (readme)
WallpaperView.lha gfx/show 39K 2005-02-16 RxMUI script to display/set wallpapers! - (readme)
xpaint272amiwin.lha gfx/x11 1.5M 2005-02-16 XPaint 2.7.2 for AmiWin - (readme)
PreludeAHI.lha hard/drivr 14K 2005-02-13 AHI driver for Prelude series v5.33 - (readme)
GamePortMIDI.lha hard/hack 462K 2005-02-13 MIDI-Interface for standard game-ports - (readme)
softPSUoff.lha hard/hack 7K 2005-02-13 Turn off an ATX-PSU from the shell + ATX - (readme)
atari800.lha misc/emu 302K 2005-02-17 V2.3 of the Atari 8-bit emulator - (readme)
sge.lha misc/emu 87K 2005-02-16 SGE: The Spectrum Graphics Editor/Ripper - (readme)
warpsnes.lha misc/emu 1.5M 2005-02-17 Nintendo SNES Emulator - (readme)
xmamegui.lha misc/emu 106K 2005-02-17 GUI for the OS4 xMAME port v0.11 - (readme)
ZXLive.lha misc/emu 88K 2005-02-16 ZX-Spectrum 48/128k emulator v0.20 - (readme)
imdbDiff040910.lha misc/imdb 3.0M 2005-02-13 Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase - (readme)
imdbDiff040917.lha misc/imdb 2.4M 2005-02-13 Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase - (readme)
imdbDiff040924.lha misc/imdb 5.0M 2005-02-13 Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase - (readme)
imdbDiff041001.lha misc/imdb 2.5M 2005-02-13 Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase - (readme)
imdbDiff041008.lha misc/imdb 2.6M 2005-02-13 Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase - (readme)
imdbDiff041015.lha misc/imdb 4.7M 2005-02-13 Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase - (readme)
imdbDiff041029.lha misc/imdb 5.5M 2005-02-13 Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase - (readme)
(cg) (Translation: wk)
[News message: 19. Feb. 2005, 04:19] [Comments: 0]
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