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Guido Mersmann (ANF)

R - The GUI generator for MorphOS and AmigaOS
The program R by Guido Mersmann has been updated to version 2.10 and is available in the MorphZone. R is a realtime-generator for graphical user interfaces for almost every DOS command.

Product description by the author: Did you ever feel boring when dealing with DOS commands and their arguments? Did you ever wait for a GUI because the CLI only tool is to complicated for your Shell/CLI skills? Did you ever understand all that cryptic argument names? Did you ever wish DOS arguments would be in your native language for better understanding?

Yes? Then here comes the solution for your problems. "R" - The only weapon to defeat templates! (Something like Airwolf! :) )

Since the early 90s "R" is the one and only weapon to defeat DOS templates and now it returns! Reenforced, upgraded, reworked and ready for the future.

Tons of new features also allow professional to enhance DOS and for all other it's as easy to use as ever:

Simple call "r list" to get a high quality localized gadget user interface for the DOS command list. Set up the options and push execute. Setup predefined options for stuff you need every time and never type it again!

No longer wait for an user interface made by others. Grab a project icon, insert "R" as default tool and there it is!

It's not a hack! It's "R"!

Download: r.lha (202 KB) (snx)

[News message: 22. Jan. 2005, 20:57] [Comments: 0]
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