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Martin Heine (ANF)

AHT Europe: MIDI interfaces for Amiga, Pegasos and PCs
Birmingham, Dec. 11 2004 - AHT Europe Ltd. are pleased to announce the immediate availability of their first Amiga products: MIDI interfaces for the Commodore Amiga as well as the Pegasos and standard PCs. (PDF version)

The MIDI interface Vivaldi  (photo) supports standard MIDI transfer through the game port (MPU401), either on-board or on a PCI card. It is suitable for all operating systems that support standard MIDI transfer over the game port and has been successfully tested with standard MIDI software under MorphOS/Pegasos, Linux and Windows (including Bars'n'Pipes under WinUAE). The Vivaldi  MIDI interface provides the following connectors: 1 x MIDI IN, 1 x MIDI THRU, 3 x MIDI OUT (synchronised).

The MIDI interface Trivaldi  (photo) is a tripleplay MIDI interface for Commodore Amiga computers. It has three asynchronous MIDI OUT ports, which means that each port can have its own MIDI range of 16 channels. With Bars'n'Pipes you can therefore address 48 MIDI channels. The Trivaldi  connects to the Amiga serial port.

Each MIDI interface comes with a manual, a CD-ROM and a 2 year warranty period. The CD-ROM contains drivers as well as the free sequencer software Bars'n'Pipes with all add-ons, the utility Directory Opus 4 and more.

The advisory retail pricing incl. VAT is 39.95 Euro (Vivaldi) and 49.95 Euro (Trivaldi), respectively. Both interfaces are available now. Dealer inquiries are welcome.

About AHT Europe:
AHT Europe Ltd. is a British company formed in 2004 and based in Birmingham, with offices in Germany and the Netherlands. Current products include a PowerPC set-top box for digital video broadcasting, personal video-recording and video-on-demand. (cg)

[News message: 11. Dec. 2004, 14:27] [Comments: 0]
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