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Software news in short

ContactManager 30.6

ContactManager is a central book-mark management.

Link: Homepage


A MUI class for sending e-mails.

Link: Homepage

RxMUI 41.0

"RxMUI" let create you complex graphical user interfaces with the help of ARexx.

Link: Homepage

Game: HangMan V0.99 (German)

Amiga Arena makes available a German version of "HangMan" made by Amipuzas.

Link: Amiga Arena

Datatype: IcoDT update

IcoDT is a datatype for *.ICO-files. Version 43.8 now also supports 32Bit-icons.

Direct download: IcoDT.lha (14 KB) (Readme)


"SaveRamDisk" is a little tool made by Martin "Mason" Merz which saves the position of your RamDisk-icon.

Link: Homepage

Scene-Demo: "IKAnim 4k" (Loonies) final version

The demo group "Loonies" published the final version of its 4k-Intro "IKAnim". The animation of the characters was improved, there is a Hires version for very fast computers and the timing and the compatibility were improved.

Link: Homepage (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 05. Nov. 2004, 20:22] [Comments: 0]
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