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Music: "Soothe" from Bjorn Lynne
Björn Lynne (alias "Dr.Awesome") who is responsible for several tracks of Amiga games and demos has published "Soothe" which is his new album.

The eight tracks (70 minutes) are described as "calming, relaxing and melodious music" by the author himself. The album is available in the Webshop of Lynne as audio-CD or as DVD ("Surround Edition", compatible with each available DVD-Player).

The first 200 copies which will be ordered directly from the composer will have an individual serial number and have signed with a golden crayon.

The title track "Sooth" is 30 minutes long and thus the longest one on the CD and can be downloaded under ArtistLaunch in two versions.

Further information under the title link. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 17. Sep. 2004, 20:20] [Comments: 0]
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