Kultpower.de (ANF)
Kultpower.de: New Test Reports, Articles and Kult Packages
Kultpower.de, the fan site for classic computer magazines, has again an update, after a long time:
New PowerPlay Test Reports from Powerplay 12/92: A.T.A.C. (MS-DOS), Burning Steel (MS-DOS), Hexuma (Amiga), LHX Attack Chopper (Mega Drive), NHLPA Hockey 93 (Mega Drive), Quest for Glory 3 (MS-DOS), Rex Nebular (MS-DOS), Silly Putty (Amiga), Spellcasting 301 (MS-DOS), Summer Challenge (MS-DOS), Super High Impact (Super NES).
In the Kult Games area there are a few new game gems to marvel at: Wing Commander 1 and 2, Eye of the Beholder 1, 2 and 3.
[rest of article not translated] (snx) (Translation: dm)
[News message: 08. Jul. 2004, 20:14] [Comments: 0]
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