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Oliver Roberts (E-Mail)

IBrowse: New IBPreferences custom class available
Testing under OS4 revealed a long standing bug in the IBrowse 2.3 preferences custom class, which manifested itself as a crash as soon as the preferences were launched. After a short testing period, the IBrowse development team is pleased to announce the availability of the new bugfixed custom class.

The developers recommend that all users of IBrowse 2.3 install the new custom class, even if they do not have the crash under OS4-Pre, or even use OS4, as the bug is still present and a potential problem.

Note: Those selected users that also tested the fix prior to release should also install this final release in place of the test version they were sent. (cg)

[News message: 30. Jun. 2004, 02:04] [Comments: 0]
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