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08.Jun.2004 (Website)

AmigaOS 4: Status of missing bits
H.-J. Frieden is giving on a short overview of the missing bits of the prerelease. Altivec, IDE DMA: Yes.

USB: Supports mice, keyboards, mass storage (USB sticks, flash card readers, most modern cameras), HID devices (joysticks, pads, steering wheels, AmigaInput driver in the works).

SNAP: The system already runs on LinuxPPC and the AmigaOS 4.0 port has already begun.

Floppy: Almost finished.

Warp3D: Ported and functional. The reason it isn't released yet is mostly a crash when flushing the library, and the fact that old 68k programs cannot use it yet due to the lack of a 68k jump table.

Native graphics system: In alpha testing for the developers. Mostly done, but needs a bit of polish to go off into beta test.

JIT: Mostly functional using the apprunner. What doesn't work is automatic starting of applications. Going to be tackled soonish. (cg) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 08. Jun. 2004, 21:42] [Comments: 0]
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