Elbox Computer (ANF)
Elbox: Cross upgrade offer for PCI busboards
Until June 14th, Elbox do offer a cross upgrade for owners of PCI busboards by other manufacturers: in return for their current PCI busboard they can get the Mediator PCI at a special upgrade price.
The offer covers an upgrade to the following models of Mediator PCI: 4000D, 4000Di, 3/4000T, 3000D, 1200SX, 1200LT4 and 1200ZIV. If you are interested in offer details, contact the technical advisor of Elbox at upgradePCI@elbox.com. Details of the Mediator PCI busboards you can find under the title link. (snx)
[News message: 31. May. 2004, 16:51] [Comments: 1 - 07. Apr. 2008, 03:12]
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