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SystemPatch: version 2.3 released
Sante Nocciolino's SystemPatch that patches several system routines to gain some system performance on Amiga computers (68020+) is now available in version 2.3.

Improvements in version 2.3 (30 KB):
  • Fixed bugs in AllocRaster(); some WB games like VChess, MineRunner, ... were saying there was not enough memory (reported by Luca "Hexaae" Longone)
  • A lot of small enhancements, minor speedups to some gfx functions and bugfixes
  • AllocRaster() patch causes probelms with games like Quake68k and BloodNet AGA, now fixed (reported by Luca "Hexaae" Longone)
  • WritePixel() bug that causes system freezing with Octamed SoundStudio when using its Synthetic Sound Editor (reported by Luca "Hexaae" Longone)
  • ENV:FAllocRasterExcludeList can contain a list of tasks to be excluded from AllocRaster() chip to fast memory promotion. I've to do a better implementation for the task exclusion of AllocRaster() patch
  • Added patches for non FBlit systems: BltBitMap(), Draw(), BltClear(). Previous BltClear() required FBlit but was installed too when FBlit was not running
  • Added: ClearScreen(), ClearEOL(), InitRastPort(), TextLength(), SetFont()
  • Other improvements I don't remember
(snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 29. May. 2004, 16:57] [Comments: 0]
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