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15.May.2004 (website)

First reports and photos from the OS4 event in Essen/Germany (update 2)
In the forum of gives Amon_Re a first overview about the OS4 event that took place today in Essen.

According to his words were almost a dozen of AmigaOne computers shown with AmigaOS 4.0 coming in the ATX as well as in the mini ITX form.

Participants had been among others:
  • Petro Tyschtschenko (said to be consultant for Gericom)
  • Hans-Jörg and Thomas Frieden, Timothy De Groote, Steffen Häuser (Hyperion)
  • Jens Schönfeld (Individual Computers)
  • Rakesh and Sharwin Raghoebardayal (Coyote Flux)
  • Alan Redhouse (Eyetech)
  • Guido Does (Vesalia)
  • Ron van Herk (Computer City)
  • Sebastian Brylka (Amiga Insider)
  • Alexander Lohrmann (68k emulation)
  • "Chip" (Moovid)
  • Volker Mohr
Alan Redhouse held a speech about his aims with the MicroA1 and why China were interested in devices with little power consumption. In addition there would be a Remote Windows Client for AmigaOS 4.0. After the speech questions could be asked but nothing of interest had been said.

Regarding the MicroA1 Alan Redhouse had said that its later sales version wouldn't be finished yet. In principal, it is planned as a shrinked form with expansion slot similar the one for the main processor to have a basis to build on depending on the specific needs.

Hans-Jörg and Thomas Frieden held no speech but answered questions regarding the availability of AmigaOS 4.0 with "when it's ready".

Software shown were ArtEffect 4, FreeSpace and AudioEvolution as well as some ports, especially emulators.

Update: (15.05.04, 21:10, cg)

At Amiga Insider, there's also a short report as well as photos from the event.

Update: (16.05.04, 08:38, snx)

Photos taken by "Chip" can be found under (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 15. May. 2004, 20:21] [Comments: 0]
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