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Law suit Thendic-Amiga: New petition by Amiga Inc.
In a new petition in the law suit with Thendic (we reported) demand the lawyers of Amiga a repeal of the verdict being enacted on February, 20th and slightly mopdified on March, 16th.

With several comments by Bill Bucks taken from various English forums and a screenshot of Genesi's website try the lawyers to proof that the plaintiffs...
  1. had tried to deceive the court by using a faked email (of an uninvolved person) as form of evidence
  2. had got the proceedings underway out of inappropriate reasons, namely the destruction of Amiga and/or the control over the intellectual property and trademarks
  3. had presented several times a distorted account of the actions and decisions of the court
  4. had presented the rights granted through the contract in a wrong way, obviously not accpeted that these rights are to a large extent restricted by the contract and that the plaintiff had misused Amiga's trademarks
  5. had threatened to but in Amiga's business relationships and contracts (e.g. with Hyperion)
  6. has not made any technical papers about the Pegasos made available until now despite the demanding by Amiga making a port of AmigaDE impossible

Asked is a repeal of the verdict, at least a revision demanding the plaintiffs to make the necessary papers available.

In a thread on can a first reaction of Bill Buck and Raquel Velasco ("BBRV") be found. (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 20. Mar. 2004, 20:57] [Comments: 0]
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