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Dave Haynie

The "Margaritas" closes
As the owner Derek informed has the pub been sold and will be opened on March, 28th for the last time. He wrote: "We are having a big closing party, with a band and $2.00 all drinks starting at 2pm till the booze runs out."

Some of our readers may wonder why we publish such a piece of news, as the "Margaritas" is unknown to us and only experts of the Amiga history will already have heard about it or even know it.

Dave Haynie, who forwarded this news to known Amiga mailing lists, wrote:

"Hey All-
   I'm putting this one up as a new item, more than an invite, given the distances likely. But if you're in the area, we're working out a C= get-together, probably either Friday or Sunday. If you've seen "The Deathbed Vigil", or just followed C= lore (the Amiga 3000's first public debut, etc), this is part of the whole history. I haven't been back there in a while (meaning some months, not years)... Andy, Bob [Russell], and I were the last to "keep the faith" on a regular basis, when at Fortele (Greg Berlin, Mike Rivers, and Carolyn Scheppner were around, too). Anyway, that's the news. I'll have a box of DBVs with me, when I'm there... Margarita's wasn't just "Part 2" in my film, it was maybe the best view of us as people -- C= had become alien, but Margarita's was still "home"."
(cr) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 20. Mar. 2004, 00:01] [Comments: 0]
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