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Steffen Nitz (ANF)

Game: New version of "Die Kleine Gilde II" also available for MorphOS
I have just published version 0.15 of Die Kleine Gilde II on my homepage.

The cross-bow competition has been added which can be played nearly each fifth year. Additionally a version for MorphOS has been added where the bug of the enter fields has been avoided by using ReqTools. This does not look very good but so the MorphOS users can also play this game.

The "Die Kleine Gilde II" is a round based economy simulation for the time of the Middle Ages of 1400 until 1600 but it is also a realtime strategy game and a life simulation. You have to found a whole family dynasty if you do not want to finish the game after your death but want to continue playing with one of your children.

You are a trader who first works as a smith, joiner, stone-mason, alchemist, innkeeper, thief or preacher. If you then have earned some money you can change your profession. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 19. Mar. 2004, 18:36] [Comments: 0]
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